What do you all do for “self improvement”?

  1. Budget my time and emotional energy in a similar fashion to how I budget money.

    People are better versions of themselves when they aren’t overextended. Consciously deciding how to spend limited resources is where it’s at.

  2. Building a good routine allows you to thrive. Getting up at the same time everyday (preferably an hour or 2 before you need to start getting ready for work etc) repeat tasks like showering, walking the dog, eating breakfast, working out etc. Routine gives you an opportunity every day to work on something. Whether it’s the same thing every day like going to the gym or setting aside an hour every morning before work to do something different like learning a language, doing housework, studying for a course.

    Journaling helps a lot too. Especially if you’re someone with a lot of thoughts or prone to anxiety. I think it helps to focus on what you’re feeling or what you need to work through in order to progress. Or even just journaling your goals and what steps you’ve done to work towards them. Getting the internal external. It doesn’t have to be journaling, that doesn’t suit or work for everyone but the main focus is taking time out for just yourself. Taking that time to really hone in on what you want to achieve or improve or work through

    Hopefully someone might find something here useful

    Edit: adding eating healthily!

  3. I constantly learn new things. Engaging in new hobbies, learning new skills, watching documentaries, reading research journals and articles.

  4. i clean, remove people from my life, do skincare, and try and forgive others (for my sake). they all make me feel like i’m having a fresh start

  5. Thinking before reacting, tbh. I used to be very aggressive and impulsive and jump straight up into anger and yelling and, honestly, wasting my time and energy on dumb stuff and people.

    Now, I feel like I’m more calm and collected even in situations of blatant disrespect and rudeness. I won’t engage in the situation and give the person my time and energy for free lol

    I will just walk away and enjoy the rest of my day/evening.

  6. A lot. But little things…I mostly just ask myself if im a better human or in better condition than I was yesterday-hopefully the answer is yes. Yesterday I made vegan zucchini boats for dinner, but I also drank a whole bottle of wine…maybe they cancelled eachother out but it was homemade wine sooooo…Every tiny baby step towards betterment is a win.

  7. Have goals and try to do something towards that every day. I’m in it for the long haul. I don’t want short-term solutions.

    I also keep commitments low because I don’t have a ton of social energy outside of work. I’d rather have extra energy than always be running out of it and my life out of balance.

  8. I’ve stopped “hating”. Hating people, things, bad situations. All for self care. I’ve never been better.

    I’ve been around toxic people and situations for too long. Through therapy I realised one way to avoid carrying baggage is to let go of hating someone who’s hurt me.

    I simply cut people out and/or stopped being emotionally engaged (therefore expect very less or nothing from them). My mental health is protected that way.

  9. Reading, journaling, nutrient dense diet, exercise, getting proper sleep. Taking dance classes.

    Sometimes skin/beauty regimens like nice skin care, exfoliating, teeth whitening.

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