M22 and my gf is 19 we’ve been together for 3 years.

I just recently tested moving in with her and her famy for a month and it has strengthen my relationship with her we argue less as it’s not long distance anymore. Living with her is financially manageable, I do miss my parents and get home sick from time to time but I do visit them often still as my work is around the corner from them. Issue I’m having is today my dad told me he wants me to move back in with them saying the $125 for rent at my gfs place could go towards other things. Pros and cons of living with my gf

Idk what to do

Con long drive to work 45-60 minutes
Con always hear complaining and yelling
Con not as good wifi can’t game when I want to
Con always being told to do something
Con I miss my mom always having dinner ready when I get home from work.
Con I miss my family at times.

Pro less arguing
Pro seeing my gf everyday
Pro more freedom to do what I want
Pro better wifi
Pro not listing to bitching and yelling.

  1. No offense but 22 is a little old to still be living at home unless you’re a fulltime college student

  2. >M22 and my gf is 19 we’ve been together for 3 years.

    So, started together as a M19 adult and F16 child, no grooming I’m sure, though, right?

    > Con not as good wifi can’t game when I want to

    I’d see that as a Pro: most people overuse their wifi for gaming.

    Moving away from home’s proving a challenge so maybe take it in pieces, couple of weeks there, couple of weeks at home, until you’ve adapted.

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