I.e. they led to a second date (regardless of what happened from there on) or if the purpose was a one-night thing, you had a one-night thing.

I’m trying to figure out if I’m coming across badly on dates, or if it’s just business as usual. I don’t remember exactly, but I think I’m about 4 out of 15 or 16, so maybe 25% leading to more in my life (straight, dating women).

  1. Kinda low. I’d give a girl a chance but normally disqualify them fairly quickly. Let them talk and ask them questions. Too many values dont line up and its’ “That was fun but we’re not really a good fit, thanks.”

  2. Well, I’ve only really been on one first date, and we’re still together 6 years later, so looks like I’m batting a thousand, suck it losers!

  3. About 90%, but I’m really picky about screening first dates for compatibility, so when they happen they tend to go well.

  4. Before online dating profiles, about 20%, after online profiles where I feel I screened a lot out (and surely got screened out myself), more like 50%. I don’t think I ever made a bad impression on a first date, Im pretty confident in myself good and bad, it was just incompatibilities found.

  5. If I get them to meet in person it’s pretty much always up to me if I want to see them or not again. Most often they are into me, it’s just a matter if I’m into them.

    The hard part though is actually getting them to the first date. So many flakes and ghosters you literally never know if a date is going to happen right up to the moment they arrive.

  6. Out of the game for a while. Before app dating, success was about 1 in 2. After app dating, frequency was a lot higher at maybe 5-8 dates a week but maybe 1 in 10 with something want to follow up.

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