Recently my best friend (F22)saw me (F20) get pretty intimate (basically foreplay) with a guy and stayed in the room the entire time. We obviously wouldn’t have continued if she was uncomfortable but she kept insisting she wasn’t, but afterwards also kept insisting she wasn’t turned on (kinda doubt this). Anyways after that experience she’s always brought it up to me and described the scene in detail, sometimes even to points that it’s turned me on. She’s made comments about how she liked seeing me so vulnerable, and how it was interesting to watch me get sensual with another guy. I can’t help but feel like our friendship is somewhat sexual because of this experience, and overall I just feel like we talk about sex a lot. She’ll call me and make up/describe scenarios I’d want to be in with men I’m interested in and turn me on. Today she even said she thinks I would let her watch me have sex (she said not in a sexual way but just to observe.. whatever that means). I’m honestly kind of at the point where the thought of her watching me have sex with another guy turns me on and I’m getting the feeling it turns her on too (unless I’m reading the situation wrong). I guess my point of the post is, what’s up with the friendship? Are we attracted to each other? I honestly don’t think I’m Bi and she herself doesn’t turn me on but it’s more of the thought of her watching that does. Idk weird situation and she emphasized that she’s not bi either so I guess I’m just curious as to what’s happening.

Random note and I don’t want to sound conceited at all saying this but I’d say I’m a decently attractive girl, good following on social medias and stuff. While she’s a bit on the bigger side and not into superficial looks or stuff like that and she always says it’s so interesting to her to watch me take pictures of myself and dress up, etc.

Another note lol she was in fact the first person to convince me to get my own vibrator, she claimed I would love it and always makes jokes about me using it.

  1. If am that person , I also would want to watch someone I know have sex with another 🤤😆 that’s my fantasy or kinky thing for me.

  2. It’s just sounds to me that you and your friend both get turned at the fact of be exposed to each other. It is a little bi curious but besides that it isn’t completely based on attraction but rather the comfort of your friendship.

  3. Tbh me and my best friend had same issue. I don’t like to share this here but we can talk about this just txtme😊

  4. Could be sexy times ahead, could just be a voyeur sensing camaraderie with a baby exhibitionist.

    I have an old friend who I thought for a while was just very sexually open, or might be hitting on me. Now I’m pretty sure I just let something slip long ago that told her that we are both bent in a compatible way and she wanted a friend she could talk to about it.

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