What’s something you preach but find yourself guilty of not following?

  1. I absolutely and loudly preach deleting an ex’s contact information when they become an ex because a great many people cannot seem to keep that information without using it. I don’t actually follow it on several of my exes because I’ve not once felt the need to drunk dial them or contact them after the fact.

  2. Living my life to the fullest and having fun. I feel like I just gave up in life though 🤷

  3. I say no worries ALL the time which is ironic for a person that in fact worries ALL THE TIME.

  4. In this past academic year, I vicioisly slandered consumerism, and society for promoting consumerist behaviour.

    Of course, in between these assignments, I really enjoyed taking breaks to do some online shopping

  5. “girl you deserve better” while i take the same bullshit that i tell them not to tolerate

  6. Rioting against capitalism. I talk about it, donate money, but I don’t actually go DO things in protest.

  7. Communicate when you need something from your friends when they do something that upsets you. YAY trauma response!

  8. Going back to toxic exes. When a friend does it I’ll go on a rant to her but somehow it’s different when I do it 🤷🏼‍♀️

  9. Eat more veggies (can’t stand ANY OF them despite the known benefits)

    Cut off toxic people, don’t be quick to forgive them if they’ve broken your trust on more than one occasion

    Drink more water (I’ve been trying but I forget)

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