How much jealousy is an acceptable amount in a relationship? My girlfriend of a few months has complimented one of my friends a few times to me saying “he’s my favorite of the group,” “he’s funny and says whatever he wants,” “he just is who he is,” and “he’s the funniest.” Is this something worth being jealous about? Would you bring it up or let it go?

  1. Normally none, but since that would be impossible, it’s best to at least keep it contained.

  2. Jealousy is former insecurity trying to urge you to claw at what you have for fear of losing it. If she enjoys the company of a friend, you should be able to trust the relationship enough that she won’t go off and date that person just because she likes them as a friend. Have faith. Jealousy is the enemy of your mind.

  3. Ask her to put herself in ur shoes. “Wow ur sister is so cool, funny and down to earth.”

  4. If her comments make you uncomfortable, ask yourself why. Jealousy is stupid in committed relationships, and usually stems from insecurity or lack of trust.

    Do you trust her? Do you feel insecure when she makes comments like that?

  5. Is it objectively true? If so I wouldn’t think much of it. If he’s not much funnier or wtv else, then I’d assume a crush. A few mentions when relevant to the conversation I wouldn’t worry about, when it comes out of nowhere it would be annoying and I’d ask why.

  6. I personally have monogamy chats with partners about what is acceptable and unacceptable conduct in relationships. saying how funny someone is and how they are your favourite are certainly indicators of attraction so I would have a chat about whether she has a crush, and if she should avoid certain activities like drinking with him.

  7. If she cheats, dump her immediately and irrevocably. If she doesn’t, you have no need for jealousy.

  8. This is perfectly normal, she’s giving you positive feedback friends, and that’s a good sign! I’d say to let it go for sure.

  9. It is worth having a conversation about considering you are only a few months in.

    Life is too short not to just simply ask. If you are worried asking would scare her off then something else will scare her off if she is actually that kind of person. Better to know now than later.

  10. Enough jealously to make you go wash the dishes when they are alone in the kitchen, so you can casually overhear what they are talking about; but not so much jealousy that you hit him over the head with one of those dishes because she laughs at his jokes too much.

  11. Zero. Jealousy is the idea that somebody is able to steal your spouse away from you due to some feature they have you don’t. And if you believe your partner is going to actually leave you for those features than the relationship was already doomed.

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