I (24F) have been with my boyfriend (26M) for ~4months (LDR) and it’s going pretty well! The only issue I have is that I have a penchant for wanting to have semi serious conversations about the future etc, which I think is having a bad effect on my relationship with him. He’s very understanding and doesn’t really get annoyed, but sometimes when we don’t agree I feel like I’ve made the conversations unnecessarily tense for no/very little reason. I think I do it because I overthink – does anyone have any tips for how to stop doing this? I really think this relationship has potential so I don’t want to wreck it 😭😭

tl,dr: how do I stop letting overthinking make me put too much pressure on the relationship?

  1. Seeing a psychologist is always a good idea. Have you been abandoned in the past and are wanting to make sure as much as possible that it doesn’t happen again?

  2. Well if you two don t see the same future it doesn t matter how well the relationship is going, because that future will come. Kids, marriage if you are targeting and he is not, then nothing matters

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