What’s the key to happiness?

  1. Not giving a fuck about what other people think.

    Realizing life is short and we only get one.

  2. Imo happiness is letting yourself enjoy every feeling and moment for what it is. Bad, good, happy, sad, etc. Realizing that all of it is a part of you and your story and appreciating it for what it is, even when it sucks.

    I try to imagine my life is a book and that helps when I’m feeling down. Like this is the chapter where my character experiences sadness and growth. Lol I’m sure that’s corny but it really helps me a lot.

  3. For me, it’s being able to do things for others who would never ask for anything
    It makes me want to do more and more
    People live my cooking, something as basic as spaghetti
    Funny thing is when I would make it, there’s no way this girl would ever have known I was making it but she ends up showing up to visit perfect timing
    It happens when I make other dishes too
    I just love making people happy
    Especially when they don’t expect it at all

  4. Being honest with yourself and those you care about. Don’t live for others.

  5. Not care about what others think. You do you.

    Learning to be happy with and by yourself.

    Being happy with what you have, not being too attached to material things.

  6. Finding something you’re passionate about that can make you money ( preferably something that doesn’t ruin anybody else’s day;) i’m not a woman but I always figured that was the key to the beginning of happiness in life

  7. Knowing what you like and don’t like. Be around people you like and who are happy. Good energy vs bad energy. Happiness is in the moment. Sometimes or someday you will look back and realize that was a wonderful day so I try to appreciate each moment.

  8. Pick the best 3 out of 5:

    Helping someone out not because of guilt but because you can and not feeling the need to questioning their motives.

    Spending the time and money to learn something new solely because you want to.

    Genuinely enjoying the time you spend with your family and loved ones.

    Maintaining your health for no other reason than it feels good to do so.

    Having a mental space to grieve, mourn, reflect and regret without it contaminating the space you’ve reserved for literally everything else.

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