For many reasons, every young man says they are packing. But how did you find out how you *actually* compare to other men? Do you trust that source?

  1. Prison…. I’ve got a huge cock compared to everyone else’s. It was embarrassing. But to be fair, mine was erect.

  2. My ex who took my virginity complimented my member a lot and said it was the biggest she’d had. I still have trouble sometimes fitting in my wife, and regularly cannot use the entire thing.

    There’s a downside though. It leaves her sore if I get too rough which means no round two.

  3. Took a ruler, measured it and then compared it with national average. Also i think as a man if you can grab it with 2 hands (not with 1.5 hands, exactly with 2 hands) you are bigger than 90% of the population i think.

  4. In terms of girth, the Toilet paper roll test: In h.s sex ed when learning about choosing the correct condom size. I guess if you can fit in erect with space than you need smaller condoms, if it fits true: normal, and if it doesn’t fit at all then ig you got a fat ole hog and need larger ones. I can’t get mine in one at all. I’m “7.25×6 so I knew I was girthier since then, but I didn’t know I was a bit longer than average until i found the calc sd site recently.

  5. FWB in college called me like 3x week for booty call, then after 6 months she told me she had started dating her boss. That lasted 2 months and I got another booty call. Went and smoked weed with her and she went on this like 20 minute rant about how the dude had no clue how to have sex despite being 10 years older than me (19 at the time, she was 26) and how skinny his dick was.

    She had never before brought up my size in any way before that night, but that night and every time we hooked up after she made “Fuck there’s my big dick” comments and such.

    She was the second person I slept with and a number of women who have followed her have commented, specifically on my girth.

  6. I don’t own any Ween albums so I would have to say my Ween is smaller than average.

  7. Went to a nude beach, realized I’m a grower. It is what it is. It’s average when it’s hard, but can be a lil intimidating being naked when you’re a grower and not hard.

  8. Literal dick-measuring contest in a school toilet. Was about 14 or so? Other guy left with an ashen face of disappointment and was haunted by my very name for weeks afterwards.

  9. A woman told me, very flattered. Apparently she told some of her friends too, cause they (some, not all by any means) wanted to see for themselves. Silly younger me took a while to make the connection. Referall sex LOL

  10. Mostly just comparing with the guys I’ve been with.

    Also… seen guys in locker rooms playing sports and stuff, and from what I’ve seen most guys are generally all pretty similar in size.

  11. Measuring tape and a Google search. I’m above average, yah. It didn’t change my life really. I didn’t get a reward.

  12. My wife is my only sexual partner and she’d occasionally say something about it, but I just figured she was boosting my ego.

    Then I measured to order fitted condoms and having the measurements decided to look it up. Plugged them into calcsd and was really surprised.

    I told my wife of my discovery with all the excitement of a kid on Christmas morning. She said “wait, so you haven’t believe me for 15 years?”

    Guess the short guy/small hands “you know what means” comments when I was younger left an impression.

  13. I read the statistics and then found a ruler.

    And promptly learnt that genetics fucked me, and not in the fun way.

  14. Occasionally you’ll find a woman whose word you can trust on this subject. Generally a FWB, rather than someone you’re in a relationship with who might be more worried about hurting your feelings.

    I’ve never really been sure if the women telling me I’m good at sex were lying to try and boost my ego, or if they actually meant it. But there have been quite a few of them, so who knows lol

  15. I honestly never gave it much mind. I don’t like to compare cuz…it feels juvenile. I never bothered to measure cuz I’m a man of science, and decided to just study the female anatomy. Once you learn that, as well as study the body’s natural reactions and movements done in response to certain actions during sex, you can figure it out. Turns out the part of the vag that triggers orgasms is within the first few inches of the entrance, and woman can experience multiple orgasms as well as different types triggered by different stimulation (ex: clitoral and vaginal). So don’t focus on the size, focus how to use it to the max as well as use the rest of your available arsenal. At the end of the day, you gotta show what you can do, not what you got

  16. I was 5 inches flaccid and thought I was small because the average is 5.5 inches. But I was told that was while erect, so when measuring properly I realized I was acutally on the larger side.

  17. Women would increasingly talk about it being perfect. At first it was demoralizing, the first time a gf told me it was the perfect size. I was positive that meant “I can’t technically say it’s big so we’ll call it this.” Then later girlfriends told me it was a good size, and other women told me it was perfect (not the size, just how it looked and felt), and over time my confidence in it grew. And then because of my job I learned how to measure things with my eyes, and one day in my 20s I noticed my dick was longer than 6 inches and I decided to measure it and discovered I was actually big. Not humongous but big enough to assume these women haven’t been sugarcoating a disappointing dick all these years.

  18. Me and four of my friends all fucked the same girl in our friend group. Then she told everyone I was shlangin’.

  19. Ya know, for a while, I thought it was smaller. Because during swim season or football season, in the locker room, a few guys were hung like a fucking horse. I later learned through the grapevine that most of those dudes were showers not growers.

    As I’ve been around the block quite a bit with many ladies, I’ve learned that I am in fact above average. Also, google says I am too.

  20. My wife and I got an 8 inch dildo, amd honestly, it looked a bit intimidating for her. One night I was messing around and compared it to my erect penis… and it was almost exactly thecsame size and girth, blew my mind.

  21. My first 2 male sex encounter made me believe I had the big one, then I got humbled real quick when I went to college and had my slut phase. Now I think I am slightly below the average size, not length wise but girth wise. Then later on in my 20s both guys and girls I’ve had sex with told me I have a boy friend penis, or a just-right-size penis, or a good-for-anal penis or just-hitting-the-throat penis….. All pointing at the fact that I’m smaller. LOL. But I’m just glad it’s not too small.

  22. High school football showers.
    I’m pretty much your white guy run of the mill dick. Seeing bigger dicks and little dicks didn’t make me feel any different really. I just have what I have 😆

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