So I have this male friend who is 27 and I do everything for him. I go out of my way each day or at lest once a week to try and spend time with him. Most of the time I bring him food, gift’s and have even gave him money to go on a trip of his dreams. I love him so much, but I feel like he doesn’t even appreciate anything that I do. He has never done anything for me except for picking me up at an airport, and has taken me to a friends house that was far away. I never miss his Birthdays, Christmas or really any holiday with him, but he has never even bought me anything all! My question is do you think that he’s just using me,am I to nice, or is does he just not care or maybe don’t know how to be a good friend?
He tell’s me he appreciates me but only when I reach out and ask him if he liked what I did for him. I’m always the first one to want hang and I’m always the first to just stop what I’m doing to go see him. When I text or cell he always ignores me and he’ll say oh I didn’t see my text or leave me on delivered for like 18/24 hrs. Idk what to do or think anymore. I’ve tried talking to him about it, but he always tells me that I’m to sensitive or I’m overreacting, over thinking etc! Like one time I got upset with him and he told me that if I loved him I’d except it and move on! I just don’t understand any more. Please help guy’s!

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