
I (35M) have gone on 2 dates with this wonderful (32F) woman.

1st date: We met for drinks and had a great 3 hour conversation and clicked really well.

2nd date: We went for bowling and date ended with a kiss.

And Now:

I have planned for a 3rd date to show off my cooking skills at my place. (She’s looking forward to it.) I understand the implications that comes with coming over to one’s place.

What I want her to know and understand is that it is important for me that she feels comfortable around me. I don’t want her to feel pressured for anything to happen when she’s at my place. I am just stuck figuring out how do I communicate this to her. Here are the 2 ways I’m thinking:

Option 1: Text her a day before the date and let her know.

Option 2: Tell her in person during the date after she’s had few minutes to settle in.

Any other recommendations also appreciated.

  1. honestly you shouldn’t say anything and just let things unfold naturally… Don’t pressure her in any way and if things lead to something more they do and if they don’t then they don’t… it’s that simple… if she agreed to go to your place then she already know what the possibilities are for the night… so don’t over think it and just focus on having a good time and getting to know each other.

  2. Don’t ask her anything. If she’s driving to your place let her know where she can park and if she needs a ride there, offer her a ride back to hers so she doesn’t have to stress “I can drop you off at home after”.

    When you’re with her in person, take it easy and slow, a peck here, hand on her lower back for a few seconds, touch her fingers with yours. If you decide to sit on the couch and watch a movie put an arm behind the couch where she’s sitting.

    All this shows her you’re interested and like spending time with her without saying “I brought you here because I want sex”.

  3. Don’t say anything. Just be respectful during the visit, and not too forward.

    Try kissing again. If she seems receptive you can try a little more physical intimacy, but of course back off if there is any resistance.

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