How do you tell your partner that they’ve let themselves go?

  1. If they’ve ‘let themselves go’ I would be concerned about them. I’d be asking them how they were feeling and offering support to help them deal with what’s going on. I don’t see how shaming someone would help

  2. Take them shopping and to get whatever they need to help them out of their funk. Ask if they’re ok… Help them feel confident by not saying they let themselves go. Someone’s life gets overwhelming, depression, busy, or we get stuck. Just do things you think would encourage them to take pride in their appearance. Take them to get an outfit then do their favorite thing after.

  3. I was the partner who ‘let themselves go’ and my husband just kept loving me through it.

    If he had said anything, my world would have crumbled because I was completely and utterly overwhelmed with life at the time and I had no mental space or physical time to do anything about my weight.

    Covid was my saving grace because my life slowed down, work got easier, the kids got easier and we got our finances somewhat under control. And then I was able to exercise and look after myself better and lose some much need weight.

    If I could have chosen how he could approach me it would be “ Are you ok? I don’t think you’re looking after yourself enough – you’re making everyone else and everything else a priority and you’re putting yourself last. How can I help give you more time so you can spend time on yourself?”

  4. If your partner has let themselves go, tell them that you still love them and appreciate them for who they are, but you think they could benefit from a little extra self-care.

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