So, I have a fwb who fucks me often. He’s currently in the military and I would say he’s very strong + macho. We both wanted to try a threesome, which we found another muscular guy. The threesome was good, we all had fun. After we all were done, they both were talking and bonding while I was just there. Then I went on to offer the other guy a massage and he declined. I also asked my fwb and my fwb declined. At that time, I could tell my fwb was jealous. We all chatted until 3am, and I was tired. I asked both of them if they wanted to leave since it was late. I clearly stated, “I am going to kick you guys out since it is getting late.” The other guy said he wanted to sleepover since it was late. Then I asked if my fwb wanted to stay and he said no. He left and slammed the door hard, which I was kind of scared. Then he texted me asking if we were going to fuck again. I told him no. I was too tired and went to sleep. I always have my phone on mute. The other guy and I slept without having sex because we were tired. My fwb called me over 30 lines around 5 to 7am. He texted me so much and kept asking if that dick was good. Around 730am, my fwb came hitting on my door hard to open. I woke up in fear and grabbed my phone and saw all the missed calls/texts. Then I got scared and told the other guy to get dressed up. I went to open the door and my fwb said he wanted to have a talk with the other guy. I told him to calm down. He said he wants to see who’s going to fuck who fuck up because he is ghetto and in the military. I got so scared. I pushed him out the door and asked the other guy to leave. The other guy was pissed off because of how my fwb was talking. I was so scared and had to scream at the other guy to get the fuck out because I was scared. I told my fwb to stop and kept arguing. I went to hug him to calm down then he touched all over me. Tbh I was a little turned on by him being jealous but also scared. He carried me to my room and undressed and fucked me his hardest. He felt happy afterwards. I liked the sex, but I was honestly so scared of him. Should I break it off with him?

  1. Fuck that. Never talk to that absolute psycho again girl if you have half a grain of self respect

  2. Absolutely you should break it off and I wouldn’t recommend seeing the other guy again either, I think jealousy is a very bad thing in a relationship, and I have found through my own personal experience that jealousy isn’t always jealousy it’s guilty because he probably has a side chick they are usually the most “jealousy” when they are the actual cheaters I could be wrong but I think you should do a little detective work JS and I think you will be surprised what you find!

  3. He’s your fwb (not your boyfriend) and he apparently wanted this 3 way. Then he goes psycho and scares you when you have a 3 way. I would suggest staying far away from both of these guys.

  4. Your FWB sounds legitimately unhinged, and you would do well to cut off contact. There is a Significantly greater than zero chance this escalates to a much darker place.

  5. Military guy who gets insanely jealous over a woman he has a casual relationship with? I’ve seen how this plays out a few too many times. Run and don’t look back.

  6. He’s a walking red flag. It might seem romantic at first (because of the intensity not the aggression) but it’s going to blow up in your face.

  7. It’s concerning that you’re asking all the wrong questions in the comment section. Instead of asking if we think he’s jealous or why he would be jealous, you should be asking what if means when someone can be so carelessly aggressive and violent, and what you could do to protect your mental and physical self.

    Attractiveness and good sex means nothing if he chooses to lash out aggressively instead of having a mature conversation about his feelings. He’s not being “protective,” he’s being unreasonably controlling, and it doesn’t matter if you were turned on by it—his behavior is inherently wrong. Please think with your brain, not your dick. You deserve better.

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