So pretty much, I went on this residential trip for two weeks and made a few new friends 3 of which were female or atleast 3 females relevant to the story (I’ll call A B and C to keeps names quite and reduce confusion) one of which I already knew(C). Anyways, A asked me out two days after meeting me and I didn’t give them an answer as we barely knew each other, and I didn’t really like her but didn’t want to tell her that etc. and we dont talk much for those reasons (which is kinda good). But anyways, I met the B on the last night of the trip and we have been talking over Snapchat now for a few weeks and she seems really cool (her friend said that she liked me) but lives quite far from me, so if I wanted to get into a relationship with her it would be hard as I wouldn’t be able to travel and then C which I have known for a while, but only started talking to at the start of this trip told me she liked me yesterday.

Now I have never been in a relationship or a situation where somebody even liked me, and I have no clue how to handle this type of thing, nor am I aware of how I feel as a byproduct of making decision to please others rather than what I want to do for several years. I feel that no matter which way I go somebody is gonna be upset. I feel really overwhelmed by this as I have no idea how I feel in this situation and dint want to hurt anybody, whenever I heard the ‘I kinda like you’ I always freeze up and have no clue what to say evene though I have came a long way in terms of my Social skills and confidence this is still a situation that I find hard to handle amd im not too sure why. I try to ask friends for advice but there are as useful as a bucket with holes in. Any help oŕ advice for this would be helpful, and if it cant be said in here then feel free to msg me.

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