Not judging, he is an amazing guy.

He likes to be held tightly, my arms and legs wrapped around him and squeezed tightly.
I’ve not heard of this before, is this an actual kink or just a something he likes?

  1. If he wants you to squeeze til he’s not able to breath right, then it’s a breath play kink.

    If he just wants you to hold on as tight as you can, it’s reinforcement for him that you are truly enjoying what he’s doing. Also it’s a subconscious melding of you two into one through the act.

    These are just my opinions. I am in Korea way a shrink or anything.

  2. I’d say it’s just a preference. Not every slight preference is a kink.

    I (F) love to be hugged too during sex, or like to feel his weight on me during and after sex, because it makes me feel all loved and protected. Not a kink by any measure tho.

  3. What you describe sound hot, what guy would not like that?

    Keep in mind that, many men like to have sex with women who actively participate. Actively participating just means meeting his thrusts with your own thrusts, grinding your hips, and flexing your PC muscles (the muscles that stretch from your pubic bone to the tail bone. These are all things you can do from whatever position you’re currently in.

    You can also use your hands to squeeze your man’s arms and pull his body closer to yours, or use your lips to explore more of his body—all these moves will let him know you’re loving the action.

    So NO!!! that’s not a kink, that is what every woman needs to do to his man once in a while.

  4. Sounds hot. I actually find that a good hard squeeze can really turn my partners on. I never thought to ask for them to squeeze. I’m gonna ask for this

  5. Sounds pretty normal to me. As a guy that loves skin on skin contact I love it when my partner wraps herself around me. It’s intimate and hot.

  6. My guy likes it too. He’s a big man and I can squeeze him pretty hard. We’re pretty much as vanilla as a couple can be, so I doubt it’s a kink, just a preference.

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