What are 3 things you’re actively enjoying about life right now?

  1. Spending time with friends

    Playing new video games that just came out

    Anime convention coming up so I’m working on my cosplay outfit

  2. Nesting a lot, getting new dresses, Lindt chocolate with hazelnuts, ranunculus blooming, living in the countryside, magazines – I never liked magazines much but now I love getting them and just going off the web to read them. It’s great.

    More than three things, sorry. 🤔

  3. * Lindt Milk Chocolate Easter Eggs

    * Testing out a bunch of new perfume minis

    * Slowly getting back into creative writing

  4. 1) my dogs 2) my partner 3) knowing that I’m not supporting the meat/dairy industry

  5. Finding a new job that I am actually excited for, I just quit a job that made me so miserable late last week

    Getting to see my sister (and her cat!) for the first time in three months two weeks from now

    Been watching and re-watching a lot of good ass movies

  6. Tried a new coffee, it’s really good

    Started moisturizing my skin more, feed good

    Currently obsessed with cherry coke

  7. My new kitty omg is my obsession!
    If I think of anything else I’m being active about or enjoying, then I’ll be back. 😅

  8. Going to the beach (i try to do that a few times a week for the sunset or sunrise), learning spanish and painting

  9. Having a dog,the fact that there’s a lot of rain (where I’m from),being outside in general

  10. Proactively taking care of my physical health

    Feeling and living the positive changes of my unhealthy thought processes

    My partner❤️

  11. being back in the reading groove..
    the signs of greenery that indicate spring..
    jon batiste..

  12. the peacefulness i have. some days i feel like i’m bored and have nothing going on in comparison to some ppl, but peace is priceless.

    doing my best at not using substances as a crutch. it has brought me so much clarity and peace and self esteem.

    learning to stop letting my ego beat me up for not being as far along in life as i feel like i should be. that’s definitely lightened my load.

  13. Time with my pupper, an adorable black Cairn Terrier.

    Relaxing on my bed in my leisure clothing.

    The fact that I’m financially secure.

  14. I’m excited that i’m gonna go visit albuquerque in 2 days
    Ive been becoming more happy being by myself
    i’m almost done with school

  15. Getting to chill with my nephew every week

    Hopefully starting a new job in a few days

    I’m sober more often than not

  16. Sunshine, my willingness/motivation to work out regularly, the ability to be able to work alone from inside my room if I choose to

  17. having cats


    and…Well, guess thats it


    Can include chocolat and pudding, I can always truly enjoy those

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