Me and my girlfriend have been together for almost a year now and I genuinely love her, and we’ve already talked about wanting to get married and have a life together. The problem is we both just finished high school and are going off to College. Even bigger problem is that we want to do different things there and because of that it’s now long distance. We decided we definitely want to do it because of how we feel about each other and we don’t want to lose each other and we wanna have our life together afterwards. The problem is, long distance, even though it’s only been a few weeks at this point, has been tough and we have an argument or some sort every few days, not very big more like a disagreement or slight annoyance, but a couple days ago we had a really big one and I feel like it’s put somewhat of a stain on everything, things feel different and we aren’t as lovey as we used to be if that makes sense, but this has happened before and we’ve gotten over it. On top of all of this, I’m honestly quite scared and insecure because of past relationships, been cheated on, ghosted to the point where it ended etc. by people I’ve dated. I talk to her about how I feel all the time but sometimes I’m worried it’s too much and eventually it’ll put her off and she’ll leave. As well as this, she’s also very attractive and so people try to hit her up all the time, online and in real life, and I’m sure it’s going to happen when we’re away as well, and it just really stresses me out even though I do trust her, my anxiety with this makes me think of all the worst things that could happen. She’s the love of my life and I really want to get through this and have a life with her. It would be roughly 4 years of long distance before we can do any of that life stuff though. I also really can’t get my heart broken while I’m in college because I’ll become an absolute mess and I have no idea what I’d do with myself. I guess my question or what I’m looking for advice on is, does this seem like it could work out at all? Is it worth it?

tl;dr – She’s the love of my life but I’m insecure and don’t want to get my heart broken over us having to do long distance (at least 4 years) Is it worth trying?

1 comment
  1. it’s very difficult to make long distance work, and especially with young people. it sounds like your relationship is already beginning to feel the toll taken. it probably won’t work out, but that doesn’t mean that it was time wasted together.

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