Hi again r/dating. You might remember me from my post about a week ago asking a girl to be my girlfriend through a postcard (OP: [https://www.reddit.com/r/dating/comments/wjq7zg/is\_a\_handwritten\_card\_asking\_her\_to\_be\_my/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dating/comments/wjq7zg/is_a_handwritten_card_asking_her_to_be_my/)). A couple people were asking for an update, so I figured now was finally a good time to do so.

I ended up seeing her a few days after the post for a casual dinner out. By this point, I didn’t have the postcard yet, but we just wanted to catch up on each other’s weeks and chat. At some point during the conversation, we were talking about our status and where things stood. And I knew I had this whole plan cooked up to write the postcard and give it to her, but in that moment the plan didn’t really matter. It just felt right to ask, so I did just that and asked her to be my girlfriend. And she said yes!

After that, I ended up showing her my original post to show what I originally had planned, which she definitely appreciated. As things turned out, I went on a quick trip this past weekend and was able to get a very nice postcard while there. So instead of writing the question to be my girlfriend, I wrote a quick message on how I’ve enjoyed hanging out so far and that I’m looking forward to things to come! We just had dinner again tonight, I gave her the card in person, and she appreciated the pivot hahaha.

So there’s my update, that cool girl I met on Hinge is now my girlfriend and I am very happy to say that! For the people who previously commented, thank you to those who provided me with some reassurance and helpful ideas. Any advice to a first-time boyfriend would also be appreciated hahaha. Also, shoutout to the guy who called me a weenie, that made me laugh. And lastly, to my girlfriend when you see this post, it’s really the little victories that count the most I suppose lol.

Tl,dr: asked her to be my girlfriend over dinner, showed her my post and she appreciated the sentiment, wrote a card that things have been going really well instead, all’s well that ends well!

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