A question for the smokers of reddit, across workplaces ive been in the pattern is the same you seem to see the same people at varying times on a break, has this caused an issue within a team? None smokers should they just take more breaks it doesn’t matter if you smoke or not.

Are there any other breaks (besides religious) that people do that I’ve not seen?

Genuinely curious as I move about my work a lot and it doesn’t matter what time it is i see the same faces outside.

  1. I have 30 mins of paid break a day and and can use it how I want so 6 x 5mins.

    Working at home yeah I probably take more and more often but who cares.

    Every so often when we were in the office someone who doesn’t smoke brings this up and gets annoyed about smokers taking “extra” breaks but don’t seem to include them spending 10 mins making coffee every hour and stopping to chat.

  2. My colleague has one nearly every hour. I don’t really care. More bothered when they leave the door open to it stinks the place out – yuck.

  3. I take a smoke break about every 30 mins if I’m in the office. I usually wfh and smoke at my desk though.

    No one’s said anything or seems bothered tbh, I work with a relaxed bunch.

  4. I have a smoke break every hour but I work on my own so it doesn’t really matter as long as my jobs getting done

  5. I used to have an hourly smoke break when I worked in an office 🙈 we had flexi so used to log out and log in every time. Just arrived 30 mins early to cover it.

  6. I don’t think we have too many, work hospitality and I usually go whenever its quite, but i also think it should be normal for none smoker to be able to go take a breather for 5 minutes outside when its quiet and from what ive seen in my jobs over the last two years is it’s becoming more normal to give none smokers a 5 min breather outside.

    Especially as in hospitality you share sections, if im with a none smoker we usually just choose to over rule the manager and cover each other over 10 minutes

  7. I work in a small team in an office and everyone has their own workload to manage. If I go out to smoke my work will be waiting for me when I get back. The work needs doing so you make sure it gets done.
    Every customer facing job I’ve had you get fixed breaks so only smoke during those.

  8. I’m a chef. In my kitchen we all take cigarette breaks whether you smoke, vape or just grab a coffee and scroll reddit for a bit. This way it is fair, everyone gets out of the kitchen and off of their feet for a bit.

  9. I used to smoke, and had one at tea break and lunch break, then waited until I finished. Other smokers seem to have at least 2 smoke breaks each morning and afternoon, which is unfair as I don’t have extra breaks like them.

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