Hey all! I was just wondering for those of you who struggle with words, and even those of you who don’t, how do you tell the woman you love why you love her? How do you express your love for her and the reasons why you feel so damn attached to her?

My guy seems to do it mostly through actions from what I’ve noticed (he isnt so good with words), so I was just wondering what everyone else does.

  1. With your mouth…. no but seriously just start talking… if you guys are close you literally can’t fuck this up…. i mean if your so in love with her it shouldnt be so hard to think of some reasonss why

  2. That’s the tough one right? We can feel it but can’t verbalize it. I had to write it down. Over many days I would sit and think about those things that I love about her and write them down, otherwise, it would a jumbled mess if I tried to think and speak at the same time. Finally one day I just used the piece of paper as a guide as I told her everything. It pretty much steamrolled her. She had no idea all the stuff I noticed and knew about her. It felt good to verbalize it. Putting on paper just helped.

  3. Going to be very individual to your specific situation.


    I suppose the only suitable answer is to be honest with why you feel that way about her. Though I’d recommend writing it down for yourself first, let it sit a few days, then re-read it and see if it sounds like you’re a moron. If not, then you can go ahead and try to say it out loud to her.

  4. Lmao… im like “dude just tell her”….. ok this is a tough one cause sometimes men are really feeling an emotion but it can be hard to get them to talk about it.

    Also if you straight up tell him… he might feel like what hes doing for you already is not enough and you are not satisfied… and i dont think you want that.

    Maybe if you havent already.. have like coupley convos about
    Love languages so you guys can learn better how the other person likes to be loved and love.

    Like maybe if you make this a learning experience for both of you guys about love then maybe he wont feel offended or like hes not enough or w.e.

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