I know the easy answer is to simply stop, but what else can I do?

It’s more of a compulsion than anything else and I don’t even notice that I’m doing it half the time.

  1. Um, we taking about taking a glimpse at some beautiful women or you’re full on staring until they walk away feeling perverted?

    The previous is normal, latter is not.

  2. If you don’t realize you’re doing, how the hell can we give you tips?

    Allright i will try, i maybe have a tip but it’s more of a longshot but here goes,

    Do a course of minfullness, lots of apps totally free.

    It learns you too meditate, meditating is a way too stay in the present and accept the situation you are in. Drifting off is not meditating ( however this is what some people think what meditating is). It is the right tool to train you to be more in the present and be aware of you surroundings and therefore, you will be more aware you are staring.

    Mindfulness have several free apps and in that app many audio coaches will guide you through!! That’s it and good luck!

  3. Stare into their eyes not their bodies , respective women will tell what you should next i.e approach or skip.

  4. Stop. You know you are doing it, so stop.


    We’re not buying your lies. So stop trying to convince us it’s a problem you can’t control. You can.


    Think of an elephant. Can you see the elephant in your mind right now? Yes? See, you just stopped staring.


    So stop doing it.

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