Why do people smoke knowing all its hazards?

  1. Peer pressure, addiction and general stupidity. Humanity indulges in things harmful to them and the things and people around them.

  2. I’m 48 and I quit drinking. I picked up a vape pen after never having been a smoker. I use it for stress relief every once in a while. Probably gonna toss it

  3. The one thing I told my nephew is that he’s got to figure out for himself what bad habits he’s going to avoid. I told him that I wish I never started smoking, not because I don’t enjoy it, but because it’s the hardest thing to permanently quit.

    I started smoking because someone I used to hang out with would smoke when she drank. It just went downhill from there.

    Thank God for vapes, though.

  4. Why do people drink? Why do people do drugs?

    The first time I lit up a cigarette was years ago. I was out at a bar, and one of my friends was rolling their own. They did a shitty job. So I tried rolling one… it came out like flawless. And then everyone at the table was like “you rolled it. Gotta smoke it now.”

    I was drunk at the time, so it made a lot of sense.

    And I tell you what, a cigarette while drinking? That is just… it’s the bees knees.

    And that just kinda started it for me. You know nicotine is a stimulant? Wakes you up. Helps you focus. Kinda like caffeine.

    And I tell you what, smokers? They’re some of the most welcoming people you’ll meet. Seriously. Go find a smoking area. You’ll make some friends. It’s how I met my wife. It’s how I met my mates. One had a D20 on his lighter, so we started nerd talking.

    But then you get into this habit. And it’s not even the nicotine that keeps me doing it. The chemical dependency is gone in 2-3 days. But it’s other things that set you off. Me? I haven’t smoked but like 3 cigarettes in the last month. I can stop and start as needed.

    I’m at home, I stop. I’m on the road for work… I pick it back up again. Wake me up while driving long distance. It’s something to do with down time. It’s something to do with your hands while talking to someone. It’s a jolt to start your morning. A means to wake up your digestive system, and kick off your morning constitution.

    It’s a thousand different little things. We know it’s bad. No one smoking cigarettes today can say they don’t know that. Truth. The real cost. All the public service announcements. But it’s a conscious bad decision. It’s a Vice. We all got them. Pick your poison.

  5. Because smoking is cool. It’s a great way to meet people. With meeting women it increases your chances 100% of the time 60% of the time.

  6. Why do people Drive knowing all the hazards? Why do people join the military knowing all the hazards? Why do people do under water welding knowing all the hazards?

    Some people don’t worry about hazards. Its not like worrying about them will keep you from dying one day.

  7. Those who have done it for a long time are probably addicted, and nicotine addiction is a bitch to break.

    As for why anyone would willingly inhale *anything* from a burning paper tube full of who-the-hell-knows-what for the first time… Hell if I know.

  8. Good question. I don’t know exactly why I started smoking. I plan on quitting. I don’t do it a ton. But I guess my line of thought is something is gonna kill me.
    Smoking while drinking? Great. With morning coffee? Chef’s kiss. With total random strangers? Awesome. A lot of people who smoke are seriously some of the friendliest people, because we’re all tied together by this shitty fucking addiction.

  9. You smoke you die.
    You don’t smoke you die.
    You drink you die.
    You don’t drink you die.
    Everything in life carries risk.
    Eventually we all die.

    All we can do is extend our lifespan.
    That involves making informed choices, accepting the risks and having a desire to live a long happy life.

  10. I wish I knew. I have quit drinking and all the other 60’s habits I had but can’t get the nicotine monkey off my back. Probably just a crutch and lack of will power but it’s one habit that I can’t stop.

  11. Because the first hit feels like a super hard orgasm in your brain. Mix that with coffee or alcohol and it’s even stronger. Over time it gets less and less intense, but then you feel like absolute ass physically, mentally, and emotionally when you try to stop. After a while you need it just to feel normal.

  12. because people have a hard time sacrificing pleasure now in favor of major benefits later.

  13. Why do people drink coffee even though it tastes bitter and kinda gross?

    Same answer, they bodies are addicted to it, and they have acquired the taste for it.

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