we had a deep talk about our relationship and she said it was weird, she told me she still has feelings and likes me.

We are busy people in high school, she always just wants to constantly work at her job, we don’t hangout on weekends anymore. Only time we could really hangout is Tuesday and sometimes Friday. She has work every other day. We don’t even hangout when she has a day off and I guess it’s also due to the fact her mom stopped liking me after I broke up with her but we gotten back together. I feel like she doesn’t make an effort and I told her that and she said I do more for her than her and it’s true and even she said it was.

Our conversations thru text our dry ik the only one trying to carry the conversation and add stuff but all she can say is dry stuff and we’ve addressed this before and she said she just doesn’t know what to say or she’s just busy. She told me she feels like a terrible girlfriend, because she doesn’t do much for me like how much I do for her. But she can talk and have fun with her stupid fat ugly co-worker who she always texts while we’re on FaceTime and it bothers me I’ve addressed it before and she did it last night before we talked about our relationship.

I also told her that you can literally do the same it’s just that your not trying at all and I’m the only one whose trying to make things work. If they wanted to they would, right? I literally told her she just doesn’t want to do it cause if she loves, likes me, and thinks I’m attractive, she would right? So I feel like she’s just lying to me, like I’m not dumb. But definitely it’s not the same anymore. And idk what to do cause I’m the one who wants it, I feel like she does too cause she always texts me, FaceTimes me, and takes me home, etc.

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