So, I met this guy a month ago and we went on a date like 4 days after meeting online. I say it was a good date and he said he also had a good time. He would continue saying that he likes me and I was waiting a bit to see if he would pick another date to hangout or go on a date.

He never brought it up going on another date and so I did. He would say things like he’s busy or has work or that he wouldn’t know his schedule for work but would always say he wants to see me and how much he likes me. I gave him the benefit of the doubt thinking maybe he is just really busy but he would always send snaps and he would be in his room so then I assumed maybe he just likes being alone but still, we haven’t met at all and in my head I’m thinking “if he wanted to he would”? like..make time to see me?? from expressing “how much he likes me”

I brought it up a week later and he had the same excuse and this time I got kind of upset because..what am I waiting for? Mind, this is a guy I really like- not sure why. I’m casually dating but I really like this guy the most. fast forward a month now, it’s my birthday. I invited him to my birthday party and he kept saying things like how he wants to come and that he’ll probably be able to make it and that he was excited but an hour before the party starts I text him if he is still gonna come and he replies an hour into the party that his car is in the shop. That excuse is so old; is it not????

after he didn’t make it I unadded him the next morning. Like, why does he keep saying he likes me and wants to see me but says that he’s busy but he always sends snaps of him in his room

***now this part is important***

He texted me after I unfriended him and had the audacity to say “why did you unfriend me? making me sad :(” I was like BRO I’m making you sad??? but then blah blah I said he was making me upset and I don’t really trust him and think that he wants to hangout cause he keeps making these excuses ***AND THEN*** he wants to finally ask if I’m free this weekend. But why? Why after I unfriend him and call him out on his BS. should I even go??

  1. He’s stringing you along. If he were interested, he would be making plans to see you again. If you go out with him after unfriending him, you’re going to go through the same thing you are now. You’ll be waiting around for the third date, you’ll have to unfriend him and only then will he care. Who wants to be caught up in that cycle. Move onto someone who’s actually interested.

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