for example, to a semi-formal event like a cocktail, take the same woman with the same face wearing different clothing.

Could she still be dressed in plain pants and a simple top and still be just as equally attractive as if she was in a tight long silky dress? how much more would it influence how physically attractive you find her?

EDIT: if anyone is mildly curious for context, ruined my dress before grad so I went with simple long formal pants and a blue top. Kinda worried the guy I liked/people must’ve seen me as plain af that big day especially since so many girls went all out.

  1. I dig the plain pants/jeans and a simple top as much, if not more than the formal stuff.

  2. Clothes make a big impression on me, but a casual outfit could be sexier to me than a silk gown depending on multiple factors.

  3. A lot. A woman who I would consider a 9 (yes, using the old fashion 1-10 scale) can easily drop 3 points based on how she dresses / presents herself.

  4. Just be comfy. Wear what you like. You can tell when they’re just enjoying themselves and when they’re “dressed up.”

    The casual look or formal is all good as long as its what they enjoy wearing and not what they think they should wear. Comfy is sexy more often than not.

    I’ll be honest, if they show up looking like a Bratz doll with makeup pancaked on them, I’m gonna have a bad first impression. That’s just me being a bit shallow though.

  5. I’ll *never* think ill of someone for dressing comfortable. Dressing like trash, though, is an entirely different matter.

  6. It can definitely add to the attraction. I’m a huge sucker for a summer dress sans bra or black cocktail dress. However, the right woman could wear a burlap sack and I could still find her attractive.

  7. So you did something different from everyone else and you’re worried about coming off as plain, lol.

  8. Yes. In the same way a suit looks better than a wife beater. Dress for success in all life experiences.

  9. >how much does a woman’s attire/clothing change your overall physical impression of her?

    About the same as it affects my impression of anybody else, but usually context is most important.

    > Could she still be dressed in plain pants and a simple top and still be just as equally attractive as if she was in a tight long silky dress?

    Maybe, probably not.

    > if anyone is mildly curious for context, ruined my dress before grad so I went with simple long formal white pants and a blue top.

    Was your goal to make the guy horny for you? Or did you just go to have fun?

    > Kinda worried the guy I liked/people must’ve seen me as plain af

    I doubt they worried about it nearly as much as you do – if they did, they probably aren’t worth being friends with in the first place. I’m not saying that appearance and presentation don’t matter, but they shouldn’t matter to you so much that this is something to worry about. There’s more to you than just what you are wearing.

  10. Very, very little. As harsh as this will sound to some people, I’ve always found mantras like “the clothes make the man” to be extremely materialistic and shallow.

  11. I really enjoy clothes and style, so yes, it affects my impression a lot when someone has a cool vibe going.

  12. Doesn’t change what I think of her at all as long as it’s clean clothes.. unless she works a manual job which is completely normal to be dirty after work lol
    But yeah sweatpants and a hoodie is really hot imo

  13. The only way it would change my opinion is if she was dressed like a slut. Instant turn off

  14. I care much less than what other people that commented have described. To be it can make a difference but not really significant in my way of viewing the person. It’s mostly a momentary attraction thing that is affected by it, and it’s not that significant.

  15. a lot. women who know how to dress in a cool, feminine way +10.

    women who dont -10

  16. Men have habit of undressing woman in their head so it doesn’t really matter. this is very evident in shy girls being ranked at 9s and 10s. so ignore clothing as parameter to impress men

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