What type of ethnicity do you like to date the most and why?

  1. Pirate Booty. I was known to raid the Caribbean and Pacific Asia for women. Arrrr. I’m here to swab your poop deck and drop anchor in your natural harbor.

  2. I’ve had the best luck with Brazilians, and some of the spanish-speaking South American countries. Whatever values they’re taught, and what they look for in a man, seems to be compatible with what I’m looking for and what I bring to the table. And, I’m not complaining.

  3. I’m white and I’ve always been more attracted to latinas and black women

  4. I’ll be honest: I find dating white girls much easier, because then I don’t have to talk about ethnicity.

    It’s not a comfortable subject for me.

  5. Anyone who isn’t white. As a white guy, I find white girls to be entitled and boring and all the same haha, unless she’s a really edgy brunette

  6. I’m black so I prefer black women. I’ve dated other races though but I always “come home” so to speak.

  7. I’ve never cared personally. As a white man, I’ve dated white, black, hispanic, Asian and Orthodox Jewish(Don’t recommend unless you’re also at least Jewish.)

    Each ethnicity has it’s own quirks and strengths.

  8. No preference, but dating the same ethnicity is the easiest because I don’t have to hop through hoops to prove that I don’t have a race fetish.

  9. It don’t matter as long as she’s intelligent, willing to try n got a good personality

  10. Just gotta find the girl (or dude, or whatever, it’s 2022) attractive innit. I think every one has their ideal type “on paper” (yes, I did just say that, and I’m ashamed of it) but it’s not a strict rule per se.

    My extended family would expect me to find a partner from the same area they’re from i.e. black woman from West Nigeria, but I never met anyone to strike my fancy (except Esther, girl you fine).

    On the other hand my immediate family couldn’t care less. I’ve dated women from many places – India, Australia, Italy, UK, Brazil, Ivory Coast, Poland, etc…

    I think a huge factor that also plays into it, whether subconsciously or not, is culture and values. Depending where you are from and how you were brought up, different folks look for different values. I know that’s the case because I know what my parents would look for, and what I look for are different. I was born and raised in Europe, my parents are African. I inherited and was taught some of their values, but I also grew up in a vastly different environment than them.

    **TLDR**: being attracted to the person looks-wise AND personality-wise is what matters. Wow, great discovery

    EDIT: though to answer the question, if I were to pick one, with the exception of my gf, Italy x Mexico is top tier (based solely on Ivana)

  11. I don’t really care about ethnicity. I care about someone being a decent person who’s kind gentle and carries similar values that I do. I’ve dated all over the map ethnic wise. Ethnicity really isn’t a consideration for me.

  12. I’m not opposed to dating someone of a different ethnicity as long as I’m attracted to them as a person, but I’d never date someone just because of what ethnicity they are. That’s weird.

  13. I never got a variety to try before marriage. So plain white toast women are all I have had. But i will say I find all ethnicity damn sexy.

  14. Latinas. I find them attractive..they are in general less woke and more traditional..less psych/family issues and are fun. They also seem to drink less..which has been a big issue dating white girls. This is all personal experience, though.

  15. I haven’t dated enough women of enough different ethnicities to form a robust sample size yet.

    Frankly, it’s kind of a daunting proposition to date dozens of women across hundreds of ethnicities. I mean, Europe’s got, what, Icelandic, Irish, Scottish, Manx, Welsh, English, French, Occitan, Basque, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German, Suomi, Belgian, Dutch, at least 2-4 for Sweden/Denmark/Norway, Finnish, Polish, Lithuanian, Estonian, Serbian, Bosnia, Greek, Romanian, Magyar, probably at least 5 within Russia, Ukranian, Croatian, Albanian, and those giants from the Dinaric Alps. That I can think of off of the top of my head. So call it 37 ethnicities. Multiplied by 15, say, that’s 555 women.

    555 women is two orders of magnitude more women than most men ever fuck in their lifetime.

    **Edit:** Czechs, Slovaks, Latvians, Bulgarians, Bretons… that’s another 75 on the pile.

  16. Have dated almost all ethnicities, except Persian, damn can’t get one. All are the same. But when it comes to taking care of a man like a mother, in my experience Russian and Thai women are on the top. And when it comes to cold heartedness, none can beat the Japanese ladies. Not generalizing, strictly based on personal mongering experience .

  17. All of the women in my life have been Caucasian, but that reflects the available dating pool where I life. I really don’t have a preference. If I had the opportunity to date a woman of a different ethnicity and I found her attractive and our personalities meshed well, I’d grab that chance.

    We’re all the same color on the inside, you know.

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