28M recently went on 3 very successful dates with 27F. We’ve been regularly texting during the week and sending each other pictures etc.

Now I’ve had my fair share of hookups in the past but I have almost no experience with long-term relationships and I’d like to change that, maybe get some good advice in case this becomes more serious

I guess this is somewhat subjective but how long do you casually date someone before becoming boyfriend/girlfriend? I don’t want to push it too soon but I also don’t want to wait too long

  1. Really just depends on the person. Me personally, I don’t think I can know someone will enough to decide to become exclusive after 3 dates, but there are many who would be ok with it.

    Also I don’t think you can really wait too long, if you guys keep getting along well enough, I think it’s pretty unlikely that she would change her mind from wanting or being open to being exclusive to not. She’d probably bring it up herself at some point.

    Not sure what time span those three dates were in, but if you’re sure you want to be exclusive with her and you think she might be on the same page, you can broach the topic if you want

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