Wedding is in two months and I’m going to start shopping for a variety of undergarments to surprise my FH. A little worried that after the first few nights it might seem overplayed?

  1. You’re making an effort and that in itself is hot! If you’re worried about it being overplayed maybe ask your fiancé to pick out a set for you to wear for him as well

  2. If it’s hot for you, that’s enough too! I think I’d personally love doing something like this for my SO so hey why not? Just make sure to get a variety (of colours too so your SO will def notice).

  3. I think it’s a really sweet idea, and has just the right balance of sexy and romantic. I don’t think you would come on too strong. You can always tell him that as a wedding gift to him you want to surprise him with a new outfit each night, and while you feel really silly now you hope he likes it. I’m sure he will tell you not to feel silly, and that he loves it and you.

  4. I think that would be super hot! I would definitely do something like that for a honeymoon. Might as well make it fun and memorable! also, like others have said it shows effort and who wouldn’t want that? I would say just make sure to get a good variety of choices. Maybe a bondage type one, a sexy babydoll, themed one, a pretty one that you feel sexy in, etc. so it’s fun but they are different enough that it doesn’t seem repetitive. It could be a game of which one was their favorite and they can’t wait to see what tomorrows will be.

  5. Lol I’m getting married in two days and did this exact thing. Honeymoon is only four nights though. Just couldn’t decide on kinky or pretty so did it all

  6. Different lingerie every night would definitely be nice! Especially if you know they’re into lingerie like that!

  7. I 100% am when I go on my honeymoon one day. I might bring an extra bag just for sexy stuff.

  8. Do it all! I find that I buy lingerie in bursts – what you buy now (especially of quality) will be special for your honeymoon & well into the future.

    The only thing I would suggest is don’t forward-plan too hard eg. 1st night kinky, 2nd night silky, 3rd night slutty etc. Just get the outfits & let it all play out on the honeymoon. My ADHD brain has done this in the past & was disappointed that what I had planned out sometimes didn’t fit in with what played out in the day & moods/energy level when it’s sexy time. I’ve learnt preparation is sexy, but not over-planning 🙂

    Have fun!

  9. I like lingerie, but I also like other things…long tee and boy shorts, oversized button down, nothing. Depending on what he likes you might want to mix it up.

  10. Why not? Go for it! I can’t imagine a man saying “That’s too many sexy outfits you’ve been wearing” haha. I think it’s a great way to celebrate this new stage ya’ll have committed to.

  11. Hot. Go with something cute for the first night, then build up to more…adventurous lingerie.

  12. I actually picked different lingerie sets for my wife to wear on each night of our honeymoon. She’s very vanilla and even though I have let her know how much lingerie turns me on she doesn’t put in much of an effort to buy lingerie and wear it. But if I buy her a set and tell her to wear it, she will. Your husband is a lucky guy.

  13. Super hot. Maybe take one night off if you’re worried; that’s when you can order room service and eat all the fried cheese things.

  14. Go for it. It’s hot a shows thougtfulness, and you’ll feel a different kind of sexy each night! Have fun

  15. I’d say go for it! But pick stuff out you’d wear again and then after you’ll just have a nice solid collection.

  16. Definitely hot.

    Unsolicited associated piece of advice:
    as you navigate marriage: try as hard as you can not to worry about things like “will it be too much” and just go for it. If it’s not a surprise like this one, ASK! And if you take a risk on a surprise and it doesn’t thrill him, TALK ABOUT IT; find out what to do differently next time so it does!

    Less guessing, more discussing, especially around sex.

    – Extremely happily married for 15 years because we learned to communicate about everything 😉

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