This is way tmi, hence the throwaway. But I (20sF) am in a temporary LDR with a well endowed man. When we were in close proximity and able to have sex regularly, I felt like we could do all sorts of positions and go forever. However, last year we had to do LDR and when we visited each other for a week, our first encounter basically tore my vag, effectively putting an end to us going wild. Now we are able to see each other about every weekend or so, but I still usually feel really sore after we do it. We’ve started using lube and that’s helped but some positions are still too painful.

There are a few things I think could be the culprit. 1 would be nerves, as I get excited to see him and I always am a little shy when it’s been a while. 2 would be my birth control (the pill) which might be making it harder to get wet. 3 would be lack of use.

Regardless of all these things, what can I do to make it less painful? Besides the actual tearing feeling, my partner is very giving and I am always very satisfied. My only idea right now is do a shit ton of foreplay. Does anyone have any experience with this?

  1. Lube is your best friend. You can also buy a well endowed dildo for personal use or buy the clone a willy kit and make a dildo clone of said gentleman’s willy.

  2. Check out r/bigdickproblems They have an FAQ that should really help you here!

    I think that working up to the penis with fingers and toys is going to be essential. Quickies will be out of the question in this situation.

    Also make sure you’re letting your vulva heal completely if you happened to tear it. The skin more towards the anus tends to be more brittle and special care can be taken to massage that area to warm it up.

    I also find it helps to go on top so I can avoid irritating the area that has scar tissue in the wrong way

    Sorry, I know how annoying these tears can be, but that’s what I do.

  3. Use lube

    Unfortunately widen you leg as much possible

    Try finger stimulation before penetration to release some stress and loosen it up little bit

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