What gets you out of bed on the weekends?

  1. The same thing that gets me out of bed on weekdays: I need to pee. But on weekends, I prefer to get up earlier so I can maximize the free time.

  2. I’m a cyclist, so my biggest ride of the week is always on Saturday, whether its early in the AM or mid-morning. I look forward to it every week!

  3. Initially… it’s the morning piss. But then it’s back to bed under the still warm blankets for another hour or two of sleep.

    After that though… it’s bacon ‘n eggs or something along those lines.

  4. The free time. I might do nothing but play video games or watch TV or I might go out somewhere but at least I have all that free time to decide.

  5. Recently, the gym. Before that (and when worthwhile titles start releasing again), video games.

  6. Usually the need to move because of the pain from arthropathy. I’m a grumpy shit because of this most of the time, moving makes it easier

  7. I’m a morning person. It’s my favorite time of the day, plus I feel like I’m wasting the day if I don’t maximize it by getting up early

  8. The dog. He’s an old man so if I stay in bed too long there’s going to be a mess to clean.

  9. Tomorrow morning at 5:30 i’ll be kayaking out on the river and see a wonderful sunrise.

  10. Well it used to be the ex grabbing my beaver basher and dragging me down the steps to fill her with my seed (thank you birth control), but now it’s just my dog yelling at me at 7:30am because he wants a treat or to go to the bathroom.

  11. I buy my food by the week specifically so I have a reason to force myself up at a reasonable hour on my days off

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