So me (M 22) and my gf (F 18) are in relationship from 2 months and today she went to birthday party of ber sister’s boyfriend and she sent me picture of her with her sister’s boyfriend very close and side hugging (gf’s sister clicked their pic) should I adress this to her or is it ok?

Td;lr girlfriend clicked close photo with her sisters bf and sent me

  1. Girl can’t even hug her SISTER’S boyfriend without u getting jealous… come on bro ur better than this

  2. If you are going to get that jealous over a pic, maybe you aren’t ready for a relationship

  3. Oh my god another post from someone who clearly should not be dating if hugging another man who is known clearly as the boyfriend of the sister is a deal breaker.

    I hope you set this same high expectations standard that no female can come within 10 feet of you and you have a chaperone at all times with you.

  4. The horror. Pack your things go into the mountains and wait for 20 years. When you get back it’ll be all better.

  5. Chill down dude, reserve the fights / argue that really matter and try to enjoy the time with her, I don’t believe that she want to do something with her sister`s boyfriend. If you happen to know that she is cheating out finish the relation, that all.
    I am 32, and fucked up some relations for overthinking or being jealous when I was your age. Enjoy the relation instead of thinking if there is too much contact on the picture 🙂

  6. No. Her hugging her sister’s boyfriend isn’t a big deal. Why would she send you a picture though? Is she sending such a picture for attention? Is she trying to get a reaction from you? It’s just a strange thing to send a picture of. Maybe bring it up if this isn’t the only odd thing she’s done.

  7. This is obviously okay for her to do. Explore why you’re jealous and don’t tell her anything about this.

    Therapy may honestly be a great move here so you can do a bit of exploration on this without needing to put in on your gf.

  8. Yes, you should address your insecurities and jealousy problems. This lies on you, she did absolutely nothing wrong!

  9. Tldr stands for Too Long Didn’t Read… you sound insecure. If she’s an attractive girl I can understand the concern, but it’s her SISTER’S BF. Please keep this to yourself.

  10. Has she given you a reason to not trust her? If not you may want to work on your insecurities.

  11. Idk a chick did this to me after dating her for a couple months. A few days later she broke up with me saying that shes gonna be with him and now she just had his kid. Take it how you will

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