So recently my GF found out about an Instagram account I used to have that I’d completely forgotten about where I followed a few models that I found good-looking. I stopped using this account before I knew her and have never looked on it since I’ve known her and had not even thought about it. The issue is now she believes that because I used to use these girls as porn, she thinks those are the kind of girls I want and of course, this isn’t true because I want only her and make that clear to her every day, as well as this shes now paranoid that I’m attracted to any girl I see in public who look like those “models” and she believes I immediately want them over her which I do not do at all but it’s hard to keep telling her this when she refuses to believe me.

At no point, since I’ve known her have i shown any interest in anyone else and have been fully focused on her so this is her insecurities building up because of something I did in the past but I try to tell her that it has had no effect on our relationship at all and it was all in the past but she refuses to let it go.

Is there any advice on ways I could explain how these models have no link to how I feel about her and how I could help her with her insecurities?

TL;DR my girlfriend found out about old Instagram account for masturbating and is now making claims which aren’t true and letting her insecurities take over with out letting me help her

  1. You could try telling her that was your past IG you haven’t used since you’ve been with her. What you did in the past was in the past and you picked her. If she doesn’t listen, why would you want to be with someone who is stirring the pot where there is nothing to stir?

  2. This is more of a general PST than a criticism of you: if you don’t want to face repercussions for porn habits, keep them private. An instagram, or other social media, account is not designed to be private. Don’t treat it as such.

    It’s not so long ago that we all used personal computers for this. You didn’t always just have the convenience of a computer in your pocket. Watching porn required sitting down in a place and doing it. A little more thought was involved (and even then, people were bad at covering their tracks).

    Moral of the story: be smarter about this.

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