my bf and I are really touchy and he’s always trying to kiss me and i kiss him back ofc its just i’m not really into kissing so much. Yeah its nice and all but i get all shy and embarrassed because i know i’m a bad kisser and he’s my first kiss. so i prefer hugs more. We’ve been together for a year now and sometimes i decline too many kisses (making out basically) because id rather cuddle up or snuggle and he gets upset. I feel so bad for not wanting to always kiss him so much and i feel like I need to stop being like this but i just cant help it. Am I a bad person for wanting to hug more rather than kiss?

  1. You guys are obv young; don’t do something you’re not comfortable with. Stand your ground. If he’s not okay with your boundaries, he can fuck off. Nothing’s wrong with not liking to make out. I(26f) personally am not the biggest fan. Nothing’s wrong with physical affection; but physical affection doesn’t always have to become sexual.

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