I (f19) knew this girl who I hung out with in high school quite often (we graduated in 2020). We also did some volunteer work together outside of school for a while. We even go to the same university now (different programs), but due to Covid I haven’t had the chance to try and connect at school.

Despite this, we didn’t get super close and I would describe our friendship as surface level. Since our graduation, we haven’t really spoken much. Maybe every few months we’d text for a bit and that’s that.

There is a concert coming up in September that I really wanna go to but my closest friends aren’t big fans of the band. I remember she was a big fan and I want to invite her to come with me.

I just wanna know if some people might consider this weird, since we aren’t very close and I’m pretty much asking her out of the blue. I just hope this would give us something to bond over and maybe solidify our friendship.

  1. You’re both fans, just say you remembered that she was a pretty big fan and you want to go. It’s not weird at all.

  2. Do you have her socials? Just message her and make small talk. Then ask her if she’s going to the concert, and if she says no invite her to go with you. She’s not going to be weirded out by the fact that you invited her. In fact she’ll be happy that you thought to ask her.

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