After having a child and healing last year, I’ve noticed I can orgasm… for like a ridiculous amount of time? My partner and I were going at it last night and after I starting orgasming, it just didn’t stop. I tapped out after about a minute straight but I’m wondering if anyone else has experienced this sort of change.

I have no idea if I’m having multiples just close together or if its continuous because there’s no break in sensation and it won’t end unless I stop whatever stimulation is occurring.

I’m fairly certain I’m on track to breaking some sort of record. Gonna continue experimenting but I’d love to hear everyone’s experiences and theories with this awesome thing I’ve discovered.

  1. Oh definitely. I delivered naturally and it really did something. I can infinitely multiple orgasms and its alot easier then it was before. Like guilty to say I masturbate almost nightly and have a massive toy box.

  2. For me it is the same! It’s not a lot longer, but it is longer than before and it’s more intense and once I have an orgasm (especially when hubby is fingering me) I don’t stop having orgasms until we finish with the sex for the day/night.
    Also, after I stopped breastfeeding my nipples got EXTREMELY sensitive and I can almost have a nipple orgasm (it was never like this before and we never experimented to try for me to have an orgasm from nipple play) and I love it!

  3. Yes! Longer and stronger and easier to achieve! It felt like I had three in a row the other day, but it was more like one massive orgasm that came in three waves. Life-changing 🤩

  4. Yeah, this is most likely because of increased vascularity. The veins in the pelvic floor area enlarge during pregnancy to support the increased blood flow. This can permanently enlarge the veins.

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