how did your view on women change throughout your life?

  1. I vowed never to hit a woman until I joined the military. A female friend thought it was funny to slap me in the face. I told her to stop and she just laughed and slapped again. After she hit me again I decided to change my stance. I cocked back my fist and told her I would break her nose if she did it again. If you hit me I will defend myself regardless of your gender.

  2. I learned that the *idea* of a woman is always better than her actual self, and that was okay and perfectly human.

  3. To make this look less horrible.

    I prefer non feminist women over feminist women.

    For multiple reasons, one of which is that I believe it’s a better way to equality. I don’t believe in generalizing a group to be representatives of people x instead of listening to individuals on their own.

    (Now I wonder if might have fucked up this comment, Welp)

  4. What view? They are just people like men are.

    Granted it’s People who I’m attracted to but apart from that and physical attributes between the sexes. I see no difference between men and women. Every woman is different and unique.. that’s always been my view

  5. Never really had a view on mothers or what being a mother was. They just were. But watching my wife transform into that role was quite interesting to see. Not to mention what women go through to bring a child into the world.

  6. From putting them on a pedestal when I was young to realizing they can be just as shitty as anyone else in this world. They’re not special like I was raised to believe.

  7. I was raised with 5 sisters and our home was a popular after school hang out…so I was woefully outnumbered

    My option of them has always been: they are just as different/unique as the men and impossible to paint with a broad brush.

    But for whatever reason always felt the average girl has shitty taste in music: ya know, that vapid, image-based,
    bubble pop-tart BS. Being the metalhead/punk rocker I enjoyed teasing them mercilessly!

    Jokes aside, they are all individuals who tend to be a lot nicer than many guys on the internet give them credit for. 🤷

  8. Matured somewhere around 18 I assume, mostly something I attribute to actually having a bunch of women friends and growing up with a sister.

    Did buy into some of this bullshit gender vs gender debates before. Waiting for rest of askmen to as well 😛

  9. In general? I think it remained consistently neutral. By that, I mean that I try to judge the individual mostly, rather than the whole gender outright. Same as with men. Are there women, that are basically nightmare incarnate? Sure, but that is far from the norm…. I hope at least.

  10. When I was younger, I put women on pedestals, and thought they were almost universally amazing. Now in my mid 20’s, I realize they are simply people, and people fuckin suck…

  11. Used to chase them. Then got enough of the dating thing and whatever out of the way in my early 20s.

    Now just over 3 decades old and can’t be bothered to care. I don’t swipe left and right. I don’t get numbers. I have grown too fond of doing my own thing and am not interested in sharing my life anymore.

    So I mean I dunno. I have enough platonic friends. Not really taking applications for more atm.

  12. As a boy: Girls are really pretty

    Teen/young adult: man I want a girlfriend or just like a *lot* of sex

    Adult to now: Man. How could I ever hope to find a girlfriend that meets my most basic personality requirements? There’s gotta be like, at most, 5 women I’m compatible with among this sea of garbage.

  13. I was rised to serve men
    As i women i always tough that my only goal in life was to help my dad , brother and my husband, cook for them clan and get hit from them , do whatever they wan
    Turn out to be just a stupid culture
    I have my right , i was born to be happy
    I wasn’t born to serve men , and i got hate for this

  14. I used to view all women as potential romantic partners. I had no friends who were women because it didn’t make sense to me why I would. If there was any woman I got along with well enough to be friends with, we should be dating. If they didn’t want to date, I didn’t want to be friends because I would develop a crush on literally every single woman who was even a little nice to me for even a moment, and I didn’t want to be stuck in the “friendzone.”

    All that is behind me now. Women are just people and I treat them exactly the same way I treat men. I don’t change the way I talk or act or anything else (beyond being conscious of the issues that specifically affect women). Oddly enough, once I stopped viewing women as potential romantic partners, I suddenly became more attractive and desirable and stopped having trouble finding romantic partners.

  15. I realised as I got older Women are as horny as men,mostly. They just hide it better

  16. As I got older, I stopped seeing women as “different” from men – they aren’t this unreacheable alien race, their just the same as men in most ways. They have thoughts and opinions based on their experiences, they can be good people or bad people, they are just like men in most regards. But then also I started to see where they are different from men – I have never worried about crossing a dark parking lot, or about how my life might change forever if I missed my period… And seeing first hand that women do the bulk of parenting, despite men’s best intentions. And you don’t have to look far to find examples of women being victimized just because they are female.

    Speaking as a man, I think women have it harder in life, and that they deserve your respect as a default position. Some can lose you respect, but they deserve the benefit of the doubt up front.

  17. As an adult I realized that when I was a teen I had this weird belief (I didn’t really articulate it, but it was in the back of my mind) that women didn’t actually like sex. That it was something they did only reluctantly, as a kind of favor to men. I Know that is still true for some women, but I was surprised to find how sexual most of them are. Oh and how they enjoy talking about sex, with all the graphic details.

  18. Went from that toxic mindset of thinking most women were emotional and naggy when I was young to realizing that I was the one with the toxic and sexist mindset after a friend pointed out my behavior to me.

    Ive been trying to improve myself ever since and I’m still extremely ashamed of my past.

  19. I once thought they were nicer than men. They’re not. They’re just shitty in different, less direct ways.

  20. Learned women aren’t all roses at a young age. Then I learned some strictly try to use you and some will leave you in shitty times. Then I learned some will literally stick by your side through those tough times and will try to always help you improve.

  21. When I was young society felt the need to lie and pretend that they were overly sympathetic creatures full of goodness and kindness…. And I believed it. Now we feel the need to lie and pretend that they are powerful titans that are more reliable and capable than men…. And people pretend to believe that too.

    I fall in line with the other responses when I say that life taught me that they are just normal people…. And people are pretty shitty…. Motivated by self interest and unable to accept blame for anything. Healthy personal relationships are created with boindaries…. Not empathy.

  22. Teenager: Afraid of failure/rejection, terminally shy

    20’s : fear abated, but was clueless. Met/married first wife late 20’s despite being such.

    30’s: irrelevant because I was married.

    40’s divorced, had to figure out how to talk to women again, but basically no longer cared if they accepted or rejected me. Pretty much that’s where it stands now.

  23. Used to think they were mythical creatures that nobody understands.
    Then you realise they are just people, different biologically, which allows different perspectives and ways of thinking to manifest within them.
    Just people, not better, not worse than men.

  24. I used to be the guy that put them on a pedestal. That isn’t realistic, it dooms things from the start, and it’s kinda sexist. I spent a lot of my late 20s unlearning this.

  25. I never really saw them as a monolith. Theyre too big of a group to generalize.

    There are some that I like a lot like some close childhood friends and some others I just met along the way in life. Then there are some whose guts I absolutely hate and refuse to interact with the sort who always want to pick a fight over nothing and start flame wars and point. I choose not to interact with such people no matter what their demographics.

    And then there are those with whom I have very mixed and sophisticated feelings that aren’t easy to describe and are ever changing and that group is made of those who are the closest to me. It includes include everyone from my girlfriend to my mom to my late mentor, may she rest in peace.

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