I have been friends with this guy in my program at school for more than 2 years and I am like head over heels for him. hes just the nicest, kindest, sweetest guy and i really like him. we’re really good friends and super protective of each other.

I think its obvious that I like him because he’ll bring up other girls and he’ll be like in a teasing way “does that make you jealous?!” (which I think he was talking to someone a while ago but he told me he stopped talking to her). We have like similar religious beliefs and somehow we are always there for each other. people in our program like assume that we are a thing even though we aren’t. We’ll have deep conversations and stuff all the time. He’ll be like “you look nice today” randomly and will be like “do you think I’m nice to you? really?” and seem so genuine and it melts my heart. And like when i’m leaving work early he’ll be like “no please stay!!”. And like I just really like him – I haven’t felt this way about a guy in a long, long time.

He’s super shy around others but he really opens up around me. We text a lot too. He’s always really reassuring and kind whenever I need help/make mistakes at work. He always stays back to walk me to my car and its become a part of our routine. I just can’t tell if he seriously likes me or if we’re just friends because I don’t really have any guy friends.

I really want to approach him about liking him but like if he’s not into me like it’ll be awkward and like we work really closely together so I don’t want it to mess up the work relationship.

Any advice? Should I ask him? I don’t know what to do and its just ughhh!! I really want to know if I should just move on or keep letting myself crush on him.

TLDR: Does this guy like me? or is it in my head?

  1. You might be surprised but he might not actually know you like him, and doesn’t want to make the first move in fear of ruining friendship. By him asking if you are jealous might be a way he is probing to see if you do like him. We guys are pretty simple creatures.

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