What is your perfect date?

  1. For me personally is this: going to a pizzeria, go get ice cream at the beach and walk and talk together. Simple but easy

  2. She shows up and likes me and wants to see me again and does.

    This may sound grounded to some, but for me it’s a completely unbelievable fantasy scenario.

  3. I like hiking dates. And if it goes well maybe we grab some food and beer after.

  4. Honestly, it dosnt have to be grand or out of this world. Just something simple, enjoyable, and backed by love. For me its just spending dedicated time together connecting. Personally my girl loves little crime solving games so us dressing up, grabbing dinner, and coming home playing a crime game equals an amazing night for both of us. The little things mean more than the big gestures.

  5. A.. date day?..
    I would love to hike Point Reyes. We could get clam chowder in bowls and eat them when we’re on the cliff side. Just any.. slow journey, time together, warm, cozy, lots of time to spoil each other, maybe take a train somewhere, see the hundreds of acres of flowers bloom in the California valley? Perfect is momentary. Let’s keep the ideas coming.

  6. The 22nd of February this year was pretty good, 22/2/22 but I still think the the 1st of January 2001 was number 1.

  7. For a first date… I like something really casual… involving some alcohol and the opportunity to just basically talk, flirt, laugh and just hangout. Basically just like hanging out with a friend. So probably drinks at a pub. After we’re buzzing and having a good time… going out for a nice long walk and just finding a nice place to hangout outside and maybe make out a bit. If we feel like we’re clicking… maybe go back to one of our places and keep hanging.

    For a date involving someone I already know… or am already dating… the possibilities are much wider because we can actually find fun activities to do since the focus on actually talking isn’t as important at that point. And since we know each other… it’s easier to set stuff up like a beach day, or a hike, or bike ride, etc. But of course… ending whatever it is with drinks and food at a pub is always nice. And even better if we end up at one of our places.

  8. March 17th because it’s not to warm and not too cold, you only need a light jacket

  9. As a married man, I still date The Missus. I like to load her up on the back of my HD Sportster on a hot summer day and ride some place at least an hour away for a meal and a nice long chat before heading back home.

    For guys who ride, your best girl on the back of the bike on a warm, sunny day, with the open road in front of you, that’s a religious experience.

  10. I can’t recall any of my dates except one… and we kissed in the car at the end of it. Sadly it was a one date attempt and never went out again. But she was way to pretty for me anyway.

    So I don’t know what makes a date good or memorable beyond just a good kiss at the end.

  11. We walk my dog along the beach. It’s warm and the sun is setting. We take off our shoes and let our feet sink into the soft, grainy sand of the shallows. We get a drink, sit on a towel on the sand, look at the ocean, people watch, and just chat about whatever. She loves my dog. My dog loves her.

    She’s funny and smart. She teaches me something about her job or an interest. Walk slowly back through town and pick up some groceries to cook together at my place. Drink some wine on the balcony. Our taste in music is similar. She plays me something I’ve never heard. I love it.

    We watch a goofy classic movie, my pick, and cuddle up like we’ve been together for a million years. We nibble on tiny blocks of amazing chocolate and try do out do each other with funny takes on how crappy the movie is. Her laugh opens me up. Her energy excites me.

    A perfectly timed kiss kicks off a high school era make out session. Nobody gets naked. No pressure to rush to sex. Just enjoying the closeness of our bodies. We mess with each other. Grinding and teasing. She looks beautiful in the lamp light. Maybe we sleep together. Maybe we wait.

    Either way it feels really right.

  12. Shows up on time, dresses normally, good listener, positive outlook, doesn’t find faults, and Walks away without wasting time if she doesn’t like me. Doesn’t sit and keep ordering food and drinks and keep increasing the bill despite not clicking with me

  13. Since no one seems to have posted it yet…

    “That’s a tough one. I’d have to say April 25th. Because it’s not too hot and not too cold. All you need is a light jacket”

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