Being what age did you find most enjoyable?

  1. So far, my 40s have been the best decade of my life. I’m probably an outlier though.

  2. So far, at 36 years old, 36. I’m solid financially, love what I do for a living, amazing and beautiful woman, great kids. I’d say this is my best year and I’m looking forward to the next.

  3. My late teens were great, early twenties kind of sucked, but now my mid to late 20’s are pretty freaking great again. It’s not perfect, but I feel like it’ll only get better from here honestly (knock on wood).

  4. 22-23 was a thrill ride. I started getting a paycheck, was in amazing shape, single, and brimming with confidence. I had so much free time, pushed myself to do new things, and could confidently fail with women without so much as blinking.

  5. 8 years old. No responsibility. Play with friends all day. Baseball,football, playing in the creek, running in the neighborhood.

  6. 26-35. Physical peak, you got some career and money, can date whoever, go wherever you want. Early 20s a lot of people are still not confident in who they are and dont know what they are into.

    Then after 35-40 unless you have a super exciting job its mostly just boring routine and picking the kids up from school. You are getting too old for a lot of nightlife spaces so you mostly sit and eat in restaurants instead. You are probably married and meet basically no new people anymore.

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