So a few weeks ago I got talking to a lass on Reddit from America and then moved to Snapchat yesterday. She suggested we “share some fun snaps”. So we did.

Afterwards I started panicking cos I’ve read about those scams were people take your nudes and threaten to release them unless you pay. Was I a fucking idiot? It seems a bit too good to be true. She hasn’t said anything since yesterday.

  1. You won’t know until it happens but what I would do is not fret about it and tbh they rarely go ahead with their threats (it’s mostly a bluff to embarrass you) and ultimately there is nothing wrong with showing your body to a consenting adult.

  2. Tbh it’s dumb to include your face in a nude in any situation, what if your GFs account got hacked for example. But yes, it’s a possibility, the trick is not to panic, don’t give them any money, just block and move on.

    You could try doing a reverse image search on her nudes to see if they’ve been taken from somewhere else?

  3. Even if she does try to scam you, what power does she really have over you?

    Unless you were stupid enough to give her your mum’s home address or something there’s not really a lot she can do to you.

  4. Did Snapchat tell you she did a screenshot? Doesn’t guarantee she didn’t take pics with a second device, however.

    Was your face in the pics, or an obvious tattoo? If not, then no worries, easy to claim they aren’t yours.

    Don’t know how much detail you went into, and if it’s believable, but could always say that you’re 17 and the images are illegal.

  5. I don’t sounds like a scam. Say it was though you could just say”fuck you release them,I don’t give a toss,might even get a few hot chicks messaging me or get offered a part in a porno movie” what I’m saying is,I don’t think it’s a scam,but if it is just tell her you don’t care.How she gonna blackmail you then?

  6. First mistake was looking for that sort of thing on Reddit. The second mistake was using Snapchat.

    I reckon it was either a bot or an Indian man, not an actual woman.

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