I’ve recently come across a phenomenon called as “Men written by women” which is used to describe men like Timothée Chalamet, Dev Patel, Chris Evans, Paul Rudd etc.

What do you think is special about these men, and do you they’re genuine persons or just being pretentious? Do you think the qualities these men portray is bare minimum or unique?

Let me know what you think.

Sorry for the bad grammar 🙂

  1. I’ve never heard this term before, but at least the simple definition there sounds like a generally good set of traits for people to have, regardless of how else they act.

    I won’t say “bare minimum”, but certainly admirable qualities we’d benefit from seeing be more commonplace.

  2. Never heard this term before and question the intent of it being made, and by what.

    Chalamet was grown in a laboratory as an experiment in how to crush NYC pussy. The other guys are noticeably better than most guys, so I have nothing against them

  3. Are you talking about how teenage girls write gay men relationships?

    Or about how women write men in general

  4. Ah, yes, the only way a man can be considered good is to do what women tell him and to serve the interest of women over the interest of themselves or men.

    It’s call the “one good man” phenomenon. All other men are bad but he’s the one “good one” because he does what women tell him to.

  5. It’s ridiculous and sexist. It implies that “good” men are only that way because women made them that way and if a man wasn’t “written by a woman” they are bad/evil.

    It also implies that women get to dictate what a “good” man is, aren’t men called misogynistic whenever it is seems like that they are trying to control a woman?

  6. Never heard of the term.

    But you can observe those men on r/askmen during the daily “why men evil” posts.

  7. All those examples are actors, ie people who pretend to be what they are not at a professional level and whose income stream depends on their broad marketability, so there’s something to think about.

    Honestly, these people sound like crashing bores, if they actually exist. I imagine they have man-buns and eat fake meat. Just all ’round losers.

    One of the reasons I don’t often enjoy the work of female writers is because most women *can’t* write men, and write them as tall, stolid women.

  8. That’s a sexist term because of what it implies – women good, men bad. It’s also very shallow because nobody knows how the mentioned men are in real life. They’re actors, it’s their job to deceive people in a convincing way.

  9. I don’t see the problem with the men themselves. They’re fine.

    The term “men written by women” as defined in Urban Dictionary however…. yikes 😬

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