Men of Reddit, what are you thinking about when you go stare out your front door?

  1. If I want to get in the truck and escape for a bit.

    Or if it’s *worth* going out there to do something in the weather.

    Not much in-between for myself I’m afraid

  2. I’ve started thinking about what I’m going to think about while staring out the door

  3. Absolutely nothing. I’m just taking a moment to not think and just exist. It’s nice.

  4. Last time was “Hmm, I think I’ll do a diamond stripe pattern next time. Gotta get some more fertilizer too. Might as well sharpen the mower blade while I’m at it.” It’s usually something along those lines.

  5. My old house or my new house? I still own them both. My old house would be something like “that car has been here for more than 4 hours. Why are they parked in front of my house? Hmm…it is a little hot today and the space up front has great shade. I’m thirsty” and then i go inside to get a bottle of water before going to sit outside. In my new house? “That’s a lot of grass.” There’s nothing there. My closest neighbor is a 20 minute walk away in either direction.

  6. My neighbor needs to cut his grass…I need to cut my grass… it’s too hot to cut the grass… what is this Amazon box on my porch, I didn’t order anything…I bet my wife ordered something from Amazon… I wonder how hot it is in the Amazon jungle right now… Do people in the Amazon cut their grass?

  7. ‘Ooh, look at that sunset. Big cumulus on the horizon, maybe growing into cumulonimbus. Definitely a front coming through. Better get the washing in.’

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