My girlfriend (24F) left me (27M) 6 months ago. We had a lot of arguments, and difficulties, and I was very anxious at the time. For the long version read the text on my page. We loved each other in general and we admitted that we could spend our life together. I attended therapy and got my life back on track. I tryed to take contact, but she said she moved on and I should too. I still miss her and think about her every day. We check on each others social media still. Is there anything I can do to get her back, or is it too late already? If it is, than what should I do? Thank you for the advice.


TL;DR : I (27M) need to get her (24F) back. Is there any way to do it?

  1. Its sad but she made her choice nothing you can do but improve on yourself.

    You should move on and focus on improving yourself

  2. Change the dialouge. You don’t “need to get her back”. That is kid stuff, movie stuff. People need to mutually want to work on a relationship to reconcile it and this one is over. It is over because she doesn’t want it any more and you need to respect that. Pushing it is creepy and unnecessary.

    Insteas of focusing on dating her or anyone else, do the harder work of grieving this relationship and working on yourself. Do some reading on healthy communication and learn about yourself and where things went wrong potentially for you. Apply what you learned in therapy.This won’t make your ex come back, but what it will do is get you ready for some beautiful future love.

    You’re sad. Let yourself be sad. Getting her back is not what’s going to fix this. The tools you need to move on and move forward are in your hands, not hers.

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