If you can redesign one part of a man, what would it be?

  1. I’d make testicles internal, like the rest of our organs.

    Really a pretty glaring design flaw to have something wired with that many nerves just bouncing around your undercarriage.

  2. The genitals. Balls gatta be inside the body or at least not as sensitive and vulnerable. Also, maybe a penis bone or something other than blood and hormones to rely on for getting hard. Also multiple orgasms, that definitely needs to be a thing.

  3. I would make it so that we could change the flavor of our cum based on requests such as chocolate, fruit, margarita, etc.

  4. I’d say another set of arms and hands would be nice for some extra help with projects.

  5. …… Retractable nutsack OR Rewiring of the brain that dictactes feelings of lethargy to where we don’t feel it… Like ever.

  6. I wish they had a retractable penis that came out of their hands the palms specifically

  7. I’d make the balls less sensitive or more protected in terms of where they are on the body

  8. I don’t know about all y’all, but i wouldn’t mind having my IQ raise to 2 or more standard deviations

    I mean I’ll be fucking humble if I just get 1 SD

    I would like to be less dumb if possible

  9. The ballsack. It is really inconvenient. I feel like I am constantly squashing a nut just getting in and out of the car. I would be way more convenient if those were somewhere else.

  10. I would make some updates to the reproductive system: (1) conscious control of erections, (2) conscious control of whether sperm are released at climax, (3) come that tastes like chocolate.

  11. I’d place a sphincter valve ( a stopcock, heh heh) closer to the tip of the penis, rather than at the neck of the bladder.

    That way residual urine wouldn’t continue to flow from the “hose” after the faucet valve is shut off.

    The pissdribble wet spot that penetrates through to the outside layer of crotch-covering clothing is probably the first incident I can recall being embarrassed about in grade school, and continues yet today, many decades later, all because of a plumbing design error.

    Yeah, I know I can “helicopter”, but I’ve been indoctrinated with the “shake it more than three times and you’re playing with it” rule. Habits and beliefs die hard, especially standing before a urinal.

  12. Pituitary gland.

    I used to be 5’4″ in 10th grade. Not because I hadn’t hit puberty, I was 14 then.

    Where was the growth hormone bro?

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