So for the last 8 months I’ve been sleeping with a guy. Keep in mind him and I had a past. I catfished him and lied to him. I have since apologized and he super liked me (who I really am) on tinder & we’ve been sleeping together ever since. Obviously it’s JUST SEX. He’s made that clear. I’m fine with that. However we went like 3 months without sleeping together. I texted him and he didn’t respond so I didn’t bug him. He texted me about of the blue and apologized for being so distance. He said he had Covid. He moved. And he went on vacation. To me these are all very valid reasons to kinda back away. What are your thoughts? We also have such a great connection. Like he always asks how I am, what’s been going on & tells me to be careful going home. Any chance he likes me more than for just sex.

  1. Probably not. He’s made it clear it’s just sex and his communication with you is pretty typical for casual/fwb if the guy isn’t a complete douche. If a guy had feelings for you, he wouldn’t go three months without talking to you. Period.

  2. Fwb is an awful idea. He’s not into. And now you want more. And he’s not gonna give it to you. This happens like 90% of the time.

  3. If someone tells you what they want (or in this case what they *not* want) believe them. How can you read something into it when he made clear what it is for him?

  4. you have such a great. connection but you didn’t know he had covid, went on vacation and moved…. take the Friends off FWB you’re there for his Benefit… if you enjoy the sex that much… more power to you but seriously… it doesn’t sound like anything else.

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