I have been seeing this girl for the past 2 months. We have a lot in common and share many similar interests.

We’ve spent multiple weekends at one another’s places, and to her request have slept in different beds every time.

We’ve broached the subject of sex in the past, and she’s told me that she is not interested in it outside of a relationship and she firmly believes the next person she has sex with is going to be her future spouse.

While I respect her strong beliefs, I can’t deny that after 2 months of steadily seeing each other I’m getting tired of hugs and the occasional peck on the lips. The furthest we’ve gone is making out a couple of times and cuddling very briefly.

While I thoroughly enjoy being with this girl, I feel like we lack intimacy. Is it not right of me to feel this way? Sometimes it feels like I’m just hanging with a really good friend.

I’ve thought about cutting things off for this reason, but don’t know the appropriate way to do so. Is breaking off a 2 month “relationship” like this something that should be talked about in person? Or do I just call her instead?

Your advice is greatly appreciated!

TL;DR: Been seeing this girl for the past two months. We have a lot in common but lack in the intimacy department. She is firm in her beliefs in waiting to have sex only with her future husband. Is it right of me to want to move on? If so, do I end it with a phone call or in person?

  1. Are you actually in a relationship or are you two just dating?

    In my opinion, it’s perfectly fine to break things off since you feel the relationship is lacking intimacy. Sometimes people just have differences and you shouldn’t spend your life feeling like your relationship has a void that isn’t being filled.


    >Is breaking off a 2 month “relationship” like this something that should be talked about in person? Or do I just call her instead?

    I think that breaking up over text/phone is kind of weak even if it’s only been 2 months, things like this should be approached with more respect. Unless you two aren’t in an actual relationship… if you’re just starting to date than I think that it can be done over the phone.

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