Hello. I’ve been married for 8 years, with one 6 year old son, I wanted to have an opinion on some things in my mind, I want to know maybe I’m wrong or just have a big imagination, so here it is. My husband haves a few friends both female and male, but lately, a friend of him “best friend” is not talking to him at all, and I can see him feeling down about it, I told him after a few week that he can try maybe get to know more some other friends we have, he was fine with it. He was talking sometimes with some friends and those friend introduce him to other friends and on and on. It was nice he was expanding his circle a bit! But suddenly he shut every one out and started exclusively talking to a new friend we wet (not throught a friend) a female one, at first it was nice to have another girl in the group, in our circle of friends we have 15+ males and with the new girl we were 3. Great, but I started noticing that he was always on his phone texting or calling her, just her, he invited her to our home a few times, which was fine, but after he started talking only about her, her life, her love life, and was always asking right after he came home from work If I have talked to her and what she said, that was the 1st time I felt inside me that something was off. Some weeks passed by it was our 8th anniversary, where made a reservation to stay in a beach resort, we got there and after he knew how big was the place he invited her to come stay with us a night, I got mad at him, but I wanted to have a good time, we were at the beach I was mostly playing with my son and making sure it was safe for him (he’s not a swimmer, he’s learning) and he was only talking to her like I wasn’t there and that went by that whole 4day weekend, another week went by I wanted to go to a comic con, we went and to my surprise he invited her and she was already there, same thing, I felt excluded of their conversations, on that same week we were looking at some cosplays to try out for a next time, and sudently he shows me a pictures of the woman in blue in Mortal Kombat game (Kitana) with and almost naked dressup, and he tells me would this look good in her! I immediately raised my voice and told him to respect her, because she was a single younger woman, and 2nd to respect me, I don’t like imagining you fantasizing about a friend in that kind of clothes, he apologize and told me he knew he overstep there, A few day later, I was waking up at 6am to prepare my son for school and went back into the room and he was texting her that early, not even with me he is like that, I usualy have to call him after 9am after he wakes up, but for her he says he makes the sacrifice because she needed some help and wanted to talk, ok. Fine. I didn’t tell him anything. But that day he was free of work, he was in bed all day texting her, around 4pm he calls her and talked for a few hours, he hanged up and immediately started texting her until 1am next day. I was mad, and told him that i didn’t mind him having other female friends but that he had to try to limit the time he spend with her a make time for us, which he said he won’t stop. This is been happening for about the last month, and we’ve been arguing a lot lately because of that, and I always ask for the same thing limit your time, and he’s still saying no. He took a picture of himself in the pool (our house pool) and he said I will send it to another friend (male) which he named specifically, I saw his face when he told me, I caught him in a lie, later that day I ask: hey you never told me what she said about the picture and his response was: yeah she liked it, maybe sometime we can invite her to our pool, and I told him, but you told me you sent that to him, not her, and he was there giving some excuses and told me he sent it to a group chat we had (he didn’t) Last week the last time we argued about it, he told me that she was the only friend he had and that he needed to talk to someone, because she help him get a better “womens point of view” in some things, then he told me that everytime he argue with me he always ask her for “advice” about out marriage. I told him what advice from a 22 year old single will give you?(we are 32 and 30) I’m not saying she doesn’t know anything but I feel she’s not the one to give advice for somethings she haven’t experience yet. So for me that’s not an excuse to have all our couples problems be in someone who barely speaks to me, I know her but the friendship is just a few months old and I don’t have that kind of trust in her for that, and even less when is my husband telling her. He tells me that she is the shoulder he cries on. What??? Also I’ve never said to him he was unfaithful, and everytime we have this conversation about her, I tell him to limit the time and he still saying no. Today is saturday the last argument we had was on monday, he told me no again, and I told him I deserved some respect and some of his time too, so I started sleeping in the sofa, and everytime I went inside our room he was texting her, 3am 4am everytime, today he told me he wanted to fix things because he was talking to some other female friend,(he didn’t want me to get mad so he said other friend but it was the same 22yo girl) and now he knows what he’s done is wrong, and I told him: If you got advice from her, for you to tell me that you’re are seeing things with my perspective then you still don’t know whats wrong, becase talking/texting to her that much is the problem afterall, when you decide to limit you communication with her then we can talk and work things out, but things stayed that way(bad between us) and she texted me a few hours ago that she was texting him, but telling me not to get mad. In my mind I was whatever, I told him and he didn’t listen. Am I thinking things wrong? He tells me that I’m jealous and that people who have in their head the possibility of cheating aways think everyone will cheat to them. Why did he said that? In no moment I told him to stop the friendship, I want him to spend time with me, to limit the time for her, I want to go out with him without she being there everywhere we go. Am I asking to much of him? I don’t consider myself a jealous person, but I’ve been having some thoughs about this matter and I’m starting to see the red flags. What can I do? Your opinion? Ask anything, I will answer. Sorry for the long text, but I needed to take everything out, and I feel really sad and destroyed on the inside! So am I wrong to ask him that? Shouldn’t I have a say in the matter? Maybe I’m not good enough for him to try to lift him up when he’s depresed and needs someone else. Don’t know what to do or think!

  1. Seems like he uses her for emotional comfort. Probably also gets validation from her because she younger. Also he getting something from her that you are not giving him. I dont know if he cheating or going to cheat its a possibility

  2. I can’t even read this whole thing. Your husband is openly dating and falling for another woman right in front of you. Of course none of this ok!

  3. He is putting her ahead of his wife. He’s choosing to focus on this girl, rather than his family. His loyalty is out of whack. It’s a classic emotional affair. If it hasn’t become a physical affair yet, it will likely become that soon.

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