I have a pretty toxic family and they mostly never talk to me and when they do, they just scream at me. I’ve been getting into a lot of fights with them recently which is seriously affecting my mental health. I have some important exams coming up in a few months and I’m not able to study fir them at all because of all the fights, ADHD (non medicated as my parents aren’t getting me the medicine saying that it’s exactly like weed and marijuana and they don’t want there son to be an addict) and burnout to top it all off. Also advice on how to make studying a bit easy is welcome. Thanks in advance.

  1. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as each person’s situation is unique. However, some tips on how to deal with toxic parents may include: 1. Set boundaries with your parents. This may involve setting physical and/or emotional boundaries. For example, you may need to limit the amount of time you spend with your parents or the amount of information you share with them. 2. Establish a support system of friends or other family members who can provide emotional support. 3. Seek professional help if necessary. This could involve therapy or counseling

  2. I told them to fuck off while i was doing my Master degree. It went great, that even changed their opinion about who they are toward me à bit.

  3. I screamed back, made his miserable life worse, until he shut the fuck up. Two wrongs made a right.

  4. Don’t let anyone, not even family sabotage you. If they wont respect you and are seriously messing with your mental health and education, then minimize contact as much as possible and be your own best friend. Work towards your future and independence, practice self care, learn to ignore hate and drama. Only let people that want the best for you know the details of your life and don’t believe everything your hear people say, even if they are your parents.
    You need medication, withholding it is neglect of care.

    As for studying, write down what you learn, in your own words without looking at books or slides. You don’t understand something before you can explain it simply and briefly in your own words.
    Take breaks, the brains can only focus for 40 mins at a time, then it needs 15 mins of rest.
    Make a study plan, a “happy go lucky” approach to studying is not a good strategy. 80/20 is a good framework for studying and working.
    Find whats most important to know at the exam and prioritize learning that. Learn the difference between nice to know and need to know.

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