My brother literally, started talking down to me because i prefer 4 slices of cheese on my toast bread. He started talking about how, its mentally ill people do stuff like this.

I was like, calm tf Down kid, he is my tein brother both 19 but he acts like he is 12.

He is manipulative, literally tried to Force me to do his chores. Lmao its hilarious to see his pathetic tried to hurt me, the fact is he takes all my energy up. What are effective Ways to deal with shame that he puts on me?

I distance myself from that psycho kid, lock myself in my room because he has bursts of energy which he uses to piss people off. By running into their rooms and annoy the shit out of Them.

Tired of this kid, he sees himself as a god, he likes feeling supirior to other people. His friend told him to fck off or something, Then he started to talk behind his back and make everyone hate him. He had no where to sleep so he had to bow Down to my brother and my brother laughed and screamed about how cool he was, compared to his friend.

No idea how to deal with this type of shit, im empathetic so im perfect person for him to abuse, as well as my mom.

He is basically an asshole but what is there really to do?
Btw thank you in advance

  1. Ignore as best as possible. Don’t feel the need to respond to his topics (whether it be cheese or anything else.) Instead say, “Chill,” or “Whatever dude,” or “Sounds like a personal problem,” and carry on with your day.

    Don’t invest your energy in what he’s got going on.

  2. He is trying to tire you out, so that you will simply do as he says to simply make him stop. Look up information on “don rock the boat” and the “grey rock method” to better understand. Sometimes, if you are up to, use his strategy on him, annoy him until he leaves you alone and perhaps moves to “easier“ targets to manipulate.

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