
Preface: damn I ain’t made one of these in a whole month lol. When I have been going out I really just been having fun and kinda mindlessly going through the motions to be honest. However, I’m back, locked in and ready to accomplish my goal of pulling women consistently from the club. On to tonight I butchered my first three sets but by the fourth I was 75% back. Hope y’all give me some good critique and learn from my experiences.

Set 4: After my first three bad sets I seen this pretty Asian women on her way outside. I immediately follow, and once she is situated outside I approach. I get my mind right and use my oh I had to say wassup opener. I chose this opener instead of my usual compliment opener because she really didn’t have anything to compliment except for natural beauty.

Thankfully, my opener worked gloriously to the point of almost hooking. Now with her outside and almost hooked the approach becomes real easy especially after I included her friend into the convo. However, After I introduced the friend I made sure that Reese (the girl I want) knew I wanted her by physically and verbally showing intent. 10 min go by and I damn there run through my routine which is super rusty, but I get her number then attempt to move her. I say let’s go to the bar. She responds with a curve ball. She said “okay but you have to pay for my friend.” I’m thinking hell nah so I say “No that is not happening”. With that shot down I go back to small talk with good physical and verbal escalation. After like 5 more min of that her friends say let’s go inside so I’m like perfect time to move her. I ask her “let’s go to the bar” this time she said okay.

We are at the bar and I have her on my left while her friends on on my right which means she’s isolated, perfect. I up my physical and verbal escalation. She doesn’t object so I’m game. I keep this tempo going for a good 5 min to the point of damn there kissing, however, another friend she had at the spot came and slowed me down fuck these obstacles. The drink finally came and her friends on the right of me came around and swooped her. This is where things get sketchy. With the drink I paid for her friends take her away in the train formation, however, I’m not included in the train which is not a good sign, but Im thinking I just paid for that drink I’m def not letting it run away so I follow them to the dance floor. Now the positioning between me and her is completely fucked. She is in a circle with her friends and where she is at is opposite to my position and to add on to that I’m not even in the circle 🤦🏾‍♂️. I’m taking it with a positive outlook like shit maybe there’s no thought to this and it just happened. Therefore I keep turning up and don’t mind it.

Im turning up and Reese is like a good six steps away from me, but there’s this chick to my right who is doing a damn good job at dancing, shit was alluring as hell. Eventually due to my distance from Reese and how long we been apart I bite the apple and speak to the girl on my right who is dancing her ass off. I begin to spit game, making her laugh saying all the right shit. I get her number but I don’t pursue because I really want Reese. However, once I got ol girl number I feel like that was when shit fell off with Reese because before I got ol girl number we was making eye contact and shit but after that shit was dead. I even made my way over to Reese’s side after I got the number but she was not having it and she damn there ran away from me I’m like whatttt. I don’t give up though so when the club is closing the girls enter train formation so I’m like nah im finna say wassup so I start to speed walk toward her and as I got closer I called her name, she did not look back, now I’m within arms reach so I hit her with the tap and tug. She does not turn and completely ignores me I’m like damn really. I was low key salty because I locked in on her and for it to end like this wtf 😵‍💫

Conclusion: looking back on the night I believe that my game as a whole was rusty and needs to be fine tuned through usuage. Which I will be doing now I see how rusty my game is. I’m back dedicated and my goal is to be able to pull consistently!!

  1. This is an advice sub for advice on specific situations. Your post isn’t asking for any advice..

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